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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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>why you so obsessed about mi presentatie ese i can do another year o algo


why is it spelled "presentatie" when it's pronounced presentaTSY o algo


dutch are subhumans and they speak a subhuman fake language from when some man remembered german words wrong

File: 1724038734974.png (89.32 KB, 733x742, ClipboardImage.png)


>tfw the black bull came out as trans and i need a mental health day to process it

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<come back to bed anon, let's play fnf together


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><come back to bed anon, let's play fnf together


mymy loves fnf doe because it helps her relieve her stress

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>Ongezellig are gooder than Funkin


it is doe

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watched 'zellig once and became a Dutch nationalist award
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1724038016484.webm (507.42 KB, 1156x1080, fnf pedo nigger.webm)

>>>1879 (You)
>nobody on the shemmy is an esl also fnf are gooder than ongezellig


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are you dutch



why are you nationalist for a foreign country

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22 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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to be fair im sharing someone elses account so its free, it used to always work on the shoally screw you nigger


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ur posting here faggot have some respect


i have a new idea ill setup my own vpn and then ill be free


after i eat of course i just got chinese food



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>why so dead zelligshits




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unbelievable gem that i saved



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We Zellig fans are obsessed with penises to cope with being gay lol.


That's one poster spamming doe

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