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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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zelligpedos share a hivemind that regurgiates the same arguments whenever you say zellig is coal
if frootcord ddosed the zarty then zelligpedos go outside and their skin color would become white again and tear his mymy banners down for boyfriend fnf banners

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the zelligpedo's gooning cave
has gigabytes of 'p to spam the sharty and shemmy when zellig is banned
has terabytes of zellig 'p to prepare when frootcord bans coal-zellig
projection techinques book
how to be a retarded person book
how to be brainwashed by studio massa's proto-mkultra

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me: read over 50 chapters of loud house: revamped
zelligpedos: will quit even reading a sentence of a loud house: revamped chapter


This made me lol gg

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fnf fans have 999 braincells
zelligpedos have 1 braincell, 25% is lusting over schoolgirls 25% is being a hypocrite 25% is being a sensitive person when there's a long essay in zellig being bad 25% is spamming and gaining 'p in the sharty and shemmy


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>fnf fans have 999 braincells
>zelligpedos have 1 braincell, 25% is lusting over schoolgirls 25% is being a hypocrite 25% is being a sensitive person when there's a long essay in zellig being bad 25% is spamming and gaining 'p in the sharty and shemmy

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all the zelligpedos got the fundamental paper education virus from miss circle so their dead shitty show could die out


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What is this swarthy ass nigger even talking about

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deleting /zellig/ made all the shemmycucks turn white and broke their gooning streak for tama mameson femdom porn

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ronald sell the zelligpedos data to the chinese so ronaldcord can buy this website and delete this shitty board


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jarty called
they want you here because you zelligpedos are dreaming about fucking an 16 year old

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here's a essay you can't even debunk, or read because zelligpedos are illerate jews that dreams about fucking schoolgirls all day
your soulless, forced dutch show you 100% fucking goon to isn't sharty culture. No matter how much you whine in your little echo chamber. I don't care if it was on /qa/, just because it was on /qa/ doesn't automatically make it a fucking gem. It just means it's old. Get off your high horse ffs. The only admin that liked your shitty slop was a pedophile faggot authoritarian larping retard. Soy quote me, call me a "seething anti-zelligger" all you fucking want. You know I'm right. You all know. You just won't budge because of the le kawaii desu girls that came from a failed dutch pilot from a creator who hates your english speaking scum.
"Zaryans" don't exist, for they are just amateur shitposting 4cuck immigrants who like to spread their garbage wherever they go (as evidence by the Zarty's dead-ness, it's really hard to contain them). It was always forced since day one, I kind of forgot but some guy from /co/ decided to fuck up /qa/ a bit by sharing ongeshartlig (this starting this whole infestation in the first place).
You will never be a natural gem, you paste 'jaks on your ongezellig crap all day long in order to get approval from 'teens, but they say you're still forced garbage.
Every thread you come across that makes fun or criticizes your pwecious iddy biddy widdle dutch "show", you instantly sperg out and spam Mymy middle fingers everywhere and chud and mymy fanfiction slop in order to make yourself feel superior. You lash out and attack like a wild boar because criticism is le good (but only for your enemy).
You are one sided, flat and forgettable (just like the ongeniggerlig characters you oh so much adore). You blindly follow the beat of the drum of the zellig community, hoping just once that something meaningful can happen
But no, nothing happens. You're left in the infinitely painful loop filled to the brim with coping, being angry at the zoyim, and being in your neverending echo chamber that drives everyone mad.
Root likes Ongezellig, however Root was another shitty admin the site had, does ongecucklig have some sort of curse? When you like it, are you automatically a shitskin nigger pedo cuck? No, but you appear to be since you parrot the opinions of tons of retarded autists who can't do anything but repost about the same shitty short film over and over again.
On the topic of repetitiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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wordswordswords seetherald

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run, zelligcucks, the zoyim be fuckin know that you clogged sharty /qway/ with garbage with 6 months


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>be fuckin know

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