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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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do you think this board makes her feel happy to see all the chuds who love the netherlands because of her




a little

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Mayaniggers can only fail geg

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How many users does this board have


you and sometimes me and sometimes someone else

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>Ehy Maya what is that thing?

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>deep in the heart of texas


mutt state


File: 1724532094332.webp (211.28 KB, 2560x1803, The donald.webp)


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>turn into a pumpkin if you really really REALLY hate niggers

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>turn into a watermelon if you really REALLY hate niggers

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It sounds like you had an early start to your day, which can be quite refreshing! Waking up early often provides a wonderful opportunity to enjoy some quiet time before the world fully awakens. You can use this time to enjoy a peaceful moment with a hot cup of coffee or tea, or perhaps engage in some light stretching or meditation to set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Early mornings can sometimes feel like a gift, allowing you to plan and prioritize your goals before the hustle and bustle begins. Whether it's reading a book, going for a walk, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature as the sun rises, early mornings can be a perfect time for self-reflection and mindfulness.

If you’re a fan of early mornings, what are some of your favorite activities to kickstart your day? If you’re still adjusting to waking up earlier, there are many helpful tips to ease into a new routine. Whatever the case, I hope your day ahead is filled with positivity and productivity!

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How do you respond in this situation without sounding mad?


absolutely awful proportions

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4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


and why would i do that









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