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/z/ - Z

oh no the board is gone
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1719850932079.gif (295.1 KB, 500x500, kuz rossija.gif)


i won.
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1722262768127.png (237.18 KB, 800x1067, kuus.png)


Russia won
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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the gem that acked shitler

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finally found the right sobot sovl version.

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kuzjak thread.
28 posts and 69 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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6 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


waht does it meannann




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saaaaarrrr what is this from saar



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kys zigger


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you ppl literally work for zog/cia. yea, putin has his issues, but he's better than anything that exists in the west.
poroshenko should have gone directly at the kike NGOs and faggots in kiev in 2014, but he didn't? why? why didn't he? none of you hohols can explain this without admitting you serve the holy chosen bloody baby penis suckers.

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Ermm you forgot to add him for KolymaDark


how can a zero reply thread by number one in bump order? nobody has actually bumped it yet, so it should be last.


It's more like latest post in thread but that'd be too long of a name

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new 'toss

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I already made a thread on /soy/ but since this is more of a central meeting point i figured i’d make one here too.

This is the ballot election and not the final election, this election decides who will be on the final election. Anyone with at least 10 votes will pass the threshold. Our two guys are Vadim and Duztsnetsov. Vadim is already over the threshold at 12 votes while duz only has one vote which i cast. I believe him to be the better candidate since vadim wants to unban gore. Go forth and vote!

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