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/z/ - Z

oh no the board is gone
Password (For file deletion.)

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good morning.
17 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1724408387309.png (744.34 KB, 1229x1080)

>>>>>>the videos your posting arent even funny it feels like your just bragging that you know russian and are posting random shit


File: 1724408593958.png (49.72 KB, 221x250)

>>>>>>>the videos your posting arent even funny it feels like your just bragging that you know russian and are posting random shit


File: 1724408632450.png (1.27 MB, 1146x720)

>>>>>>>>the videos your posting arent even funny it feels like your just bragging that you know russian and are posting random shit


Neutral party observer here, this memeflaggot needs to update his boring ass soyfolder.


the gem that caused xim to resume gooning to tracer feet

File: 1724408309126.png (437.37 KB, 1135x967)


new 'toss


This was found in the wild right?



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etot den pobedu.


File: 1724356206387.png (626.12 KB, 2448x3264)


File: 1724356238599.png (809 B, 345x20)

record heights.


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yay best board is alive

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project guy be like


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>бля я повешусь



File: 1723795354907.png (2.37 MB, 1920x1084)


wheres oekaki




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dark kuzist uprising won.

File: 1721923779362.jpeg (26.89 KB, 669x458)


Sacred words, Moscov is behind us, we used to hear during the battle of Bakhmut!

Kill nazis, Z


Пиздец что тут творится на шемикаке, даже побайтить вас мерзко
слава Навальному, свободе, демократии



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