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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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File: 1734743066005.png (152.66 KB, 463x453, OG.png)


Why does both shemmy.org and soygem.party give me a 403 error on my home ip? I thought the site was down for a day until I switched ips


My cloak is 5LQCRYA if that matters (despite the fact that nobody checks this board for days so I'm practically talking to a brick wall)

File: 1734567040303.png (88.46 KB, 600x800, neutral.png)


can you enable a way to change vichan themes within the website, im pretty used to that feature on other 'boards.


Top left [Options]
in general it's the third option or you can use a user css


thanks bro, im used to the one in bottom right.

File: 1734544321747.png (331.5 KB, 696x903, ClipboardImage.png)


>cuckflare enabled

File: 1734541631541.png (23.14 KB, 720x651, 1 - default neutral normal….png)


Why is sending a comment on this imageboard so slow? My internet proves to be blazing fast even on a bloated site like YouTube


sent two posts award


Yeah it was super hard for me to make this post with all of this rate limiting. what else could I do?

File: 1734541482524.png (23.14 KB, 720x651, 1 - default neutral normal….png)


Why is sending a comment on this imageboard so slow? My internet proves to be blazing fast even on a bloated site like YouTube

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>/soy/ is locked again

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Question for every mod
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast today
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(((they))) are trying to slide this






hungry but I did have breakfast saaaar, we indians are so aryan saar!

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how about we shut it down




Kek, it's kino!


2 more weeks saar

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>>>/soy/ - Locked
29 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


nice samefag claim, we have a whole raiding team and you have dead nigger babies instead of janitors


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We're laughing at you in vc


not in the vc but i'm still laughing at him




that's not how tuxler works lil bro ☠️☠️☠️ blud thinks we're as tech illiterate as he is
>a whole raiding team
tranny cope + even if that is real it sounds an awful lot like a discord server

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>this site has no hecking quality! lets ban bait and low quality posterinos!
it's a shitposting site lil bro
>we will save the site!
i cant even post unless i use this random vpn from a browser extension which was whitelisted for some reason. people dont want to make accounts to post and there arent even jannies in the cytube for days. casual posters wont email you or set up an irc client to make an account either.
>but the log is full of gigachads and bbc bait!
yeah, the few pol immigrants still here use the shitposting website to post shitposts. in eurohours this website often had 30 minutes without a single post before polcorders started funposting here. actual shitposting is filling a void, not replacing genuine posts.
even if shitposting did replace genuine posts i wouldnt care because its a shitposting website bek
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




File: 1733972331625.jpeg (49.13 KB, 912x1024, giga shave.jpeg)

keep this site alive until the heat death of the universe


do this so we can archive cockvore gems forever


OP here, I am a faggot and have AIDS


File: 1734436620327.jpeg (82.28 KB, 800x800, IMG_2817.jpeg)

>SAVE this site make

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