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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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File: 1717891711930.png (1.43 MB, 2222x2132, pepe fact2.png)


Lock every board except /pol/. It will be a good decision, you have to trust me on this.


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>Lock every board except /pol/. It will be a good decision, you have to trust me on this.


But politics bore me and /pol/ Will become a board for gay retards

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File: 1717916229497-1.mp4 (8.93 MB, 840x720, vsdvsedv.mp4)


sweep it up tranny janny


Moved to >>>/sgp/2574.

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Why is a literal Reddit vtubegooner tranny manager of this site?


>t. lusts over 15 yo nips


not really a problem since that guy is probably a 15 year old himself

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shemmycucks… our response?


bro hates trans people for no reason

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Unlock the trannies AMA, why are you protecting their feelings? Fell in love buddy?


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>Fell in love buddy?
is that so wrong?

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Hello, I thought it'd be time for me to do a AMA since I haven't done one and it seems like a good opportunity for people to get to know who's managing the jannies a little better + feedback
so just go ahead and ask anything that comes to mind.
46 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


why do you lie about being a man?


Pollyana was a pedophile from the QAfe.


hello lol


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>I atleast have the mentality to janny and manage


>Lurker ## Manager 3 days ago
>she's cute, i find most Touhou characters cute.
im shocked, how can this be the same person that was exposed for being trans? where were the warning signs?

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i,m not bot

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 No.2213[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm sorry that the last sticky creeped you guys out.
122 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>can you explain this meme to me, i dont get it


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well well well


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>what? you're complaining about me posting drawings of little girls in bondage?
>dude nobody even cares like get over it


I dont think he meant it like that




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this is his twitter account, would you be so shocked?

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Why is kway the main board now? What happened?


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Me and the other manager decided we'd merge /soy/ with /qa/ to make it like muh old kwah and it seems to be working quite well activity wise. If things drag out too long we'll certainly return /soy/, it's basically metamorphosis.


every single soyteen has an incredibly retarded vision of what the site should look like
this naturally means they all will try raping the site as soon as they possibly can




nigger this is a retarded move. stop making unwanted changes


the merging of /soy/ and /qa/ was planned from the beginning though

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