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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1721066143537.png (383.05 KB, 649x638, pepe soilder.png)


the log always sucks now, consider bringing back /soy/ with the january rules and leaving /qa/ as the melting pot


File: 1721069188456.png (163.71 KB, 1000x1000, cigar.png)

yep, another frog FACT


this is what /qa/ is





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how do you write a filtering script to filter certain names/trips/rizz flags/words in posts in vichan css code?


wasnt the old userscript able to do that

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Make it like the jarty where you can create unlimited boards so I can have a board for my own autistic obsession only I care about


Instead of doing that you could just make a thread on /int/ for it or do it on the jarty, the former being the better option I think

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someone on the swinny was spamming on /qa/


If it wasn't obvious, we were being raided when the banana spambots attacked.

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Good decisions with the autosages.

File: 1720402028218.jpg (113.69 KB, 1600x1895, 'plier_mad.jpg)


Hide post button has no functionality. It doesn't work.


fucking whatever?


It's a kind of nothing problem but it being there and doing nothing is dumb


use 4chan x

File: 1720982253324.png (54.12 KB, 600x800, neutralplier.png)


Why aren't the jannies cleaning up all the spam?

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FACT: the average age of a /qa/ poster was 15, not 16
do not let frootberg and dollstein trick you




they grew up doe

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Add more rizz flags
13 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Also add a sharteebflag with isrealie colours


Someone make a sharty flag with palastine colors and we can add it to the rizz as rapefugee




10 days…



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add a generals board so we can discuss all the SNCA into one board aswell as /mtv/, also hide /sgp/ so all of the neurotic underage retards can't find it
the top bar should look like this

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