Just a thread to post resources in, some guides, tips, tricks, etc.
I've got some stuff to recommend, but before that, let me share some wisdom that has personally helped me, so it may help you as well.
>Just draw works.But many take it the wrong way. The thing about just draw is that it is true, to be good at drawing you need to draw a lot, however in order to actually improve, you shouldn't just do it mindlessly. Art is "work smart AND hard". Art is mimicking reality. And this is what you should be doing. You will never improve if you don't practice by drawing from reference first. But it also isn't just copying. To truly replicate life, you need to understand how it works.
Let's say, you decide to grind drawing hands. You WILL have a better time doing that if you know how the bone and muscle structure works, instead of just taking it at surface level. If you can imagine the hand moving itself in your head, if you understand what pulls the fingers, the limitations of joints.
Now, there are several types of resources. The thing I disliked about /ic/ is the constant shit flinging about which book/course author is a hack or not. Just choose what works best for you.
For now I'll just put the annas links here. If there are issues with that archive, please notify me.
Personal recs:
>Burne Hogarth - Dynamic Anatomyhttps://annas-archive.org/md5/ca5d9d721780d0550b7a7dbac1028e11>Burne Hogarth - Dynamic Figure Drawinghttps://annas-archive.org/md5/8f7fbfcaaea29b5921aecd11ebe12929Post too long. Click here to view the full text.