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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1715000118111.png (85.07 KB, 487x467, ClipboardImage.png)


'field on the 'log



File: 1715837322633.png (268.97 KB, 1200x718, 20240516_142802.png)


rest in piss


/z/lava rossija.


I never even checked /z/ when it existed


i didn't even know it existed because its entire lifespan started and ended while i was asleep



File: 1715626373777.png (38.39 KB, 902x1418, ddfsjfewf.png)


we should create board tans like old 4cuck


Not a bad idea, we should make one for /sgp/ and /int/

File: 1715330060275-0.png (1.52 MB, 2308x1450, 1084294735.png)

File: 1715330060275-1.png (243.91 KB, 1422x1725, 961790371.png)


planned to make a tranime visual novel adventure-type thread
not sure if i should post it on here or the farty doe
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


force it one more time and you'll finally be a woman


File: 1715352453413.png (478.84 KB, 890x774, 20240510_234518.png)

not not what what


cool idea and art but i don't like admins or jannies being included in anything


tsmt unless it's a warning about a pedophile on the prowl around the neighborhood


this tbh

File: 1715500261630.jpg (112.35 KB, 772x360, IMG_20240512_154847.jpg)


Someone redraw them on magma

File: 1715200035045.png (1.16 MB, 1498x647, tomogatchibanner.png)


soyjak but in original tomogatchi art style




bumping this gemerald

File: 1715348590632.png (418.71 KB, 800x957, detailed soy.png)




pretty gud


File: 1715471172365.png (136.91 KB, 1300x957, Untitled702.png)

i was wondering where i got this from

File: 1715455397040.jpg (824.88 KB, 1649x1080, Picsart_24-05-12_05-22-44-….jpg)


Is this good flag?

File: 1715417210036.png (84.5 KB, 780x1250, doddermodd.png)




File: 1714761889829-0.jpg (518.07 KB, 1920x1080, New Drawing(1).jpg)

File: 1714761889829-1.jpg (510.39 KB, 1920x1080, New Drawing.jpg)

File: 1714761889829-2.jpg (300.32 KB, 1920x1080, New Drawing3(1).jpg)

File: 1714761889829-3.jpg (387.54 KB, 1920x1080, New Drawing3.jpg)


magmas archive thread
that's all i have saved so far


File: 1714762840016.png (133.62 KB, 501x547, Screenshot 2024-04-20 0416….png)


File: 1714762870995.png (161.24 KB, 942x1021, Screenshot 2024-04-30 1152….png)

here's the original drawing without the goy edit


File: 1715168951958.png (165.04 KB, 649x538, ClipboardImage.png)

thats an awesome garfield

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