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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1723429759824.png (57.83 KB, 600x450, 485 - mamebooru.site.png)


mameson two

File: 1723429705858.png (352.96 KB, 1778x1941, 7bf8988e-c7c7-40a3-89a8-e5….png)


Mameson 1

File: 1721062169042.png (327.05 KB, 513x517, ClipboardImage.png)


Using this thread to make new 'ricas
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1721203591632-0.png (87.27 KB, 348x374, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1721203591632-1.png (218.31 KB, 365x392, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1721203591632-2.png (433.19 KB, 611x646, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1721203591632-3.png (433.81 KB, 640x688, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1721545025364.png (856.13 KB, 967x1389, ClipboardImage.png)

Erika made a friend


File: 1721837520846.png (592.71 KB, 500x726, erica6.png)

Erika found a boyfriend


that's not Erika doe


File: 1723229002584.png (912.6 KB, 1105x1036, 1722320355527v-1.png)

File: 1723172414916.jpeg (341.37 KB, 1416x1444, IMG_7899.jpeg)


don’t come here much but made this anyways.


khezu is fingerboy

File: 1722480253041.png (128.64 KB, 1217x740, 2024_07_31_13j_Kleki.png)


random crap
16 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1722913182053.png (160.13 KB, 971x1502, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1722916356431.png (2 MB, 3000x3188, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1722920927496.png (433.63 KB, 828x828, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1722922822816.png (101.31 KB, 828x392, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1723012313562.jpg (Spoiler Image, 22.31 KB, 398x371, 1722355501022o.jpg)

File: 1716261844634.png (84.73 KB, 395x580, 1701036537836.png)


what should i try drawing
30 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


'leno trannyhearts everything, very wholesome






File: 1722831988306.png (39.22 KB, 460x568, ClipboardImage.png)


Draw Cobson smoking an alligator or crocodile like a blunt with tobacco or weed or whatever stuffed in to repiloids mouths

File: 1722723973660.mp3 (3.7 MB, Goodbye_Nudev.mp3)


I am a ching-chong and I like a ding-dong
I am a ching-chong and I like a ding-dong
I am a ching-chong and I like a ding-dong
I am a ching-chong and I like a ding-dong

Working for free
No money for me
That's just my way
I'm yellow and gay

My filter
My clitty
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


File: 1722196943416.jpeg (110.5 KB, 1120x1050, 06EF7B47-D06D-416D-B02D-F….jpeg)


Any art with Pingas man!



File: 1722661689305.png (7 MB, 2479x2683, pepewar.png)


forgot I made this
this took a while it was fun
big pepe factions fight for control of some islands


frog gem


can't tell who's winning
i think it's blue since they control a whole island, while all other islands are divided to some degree


reminds me of when i used to do those maps of the soysphere

File: 1722181435392.jpeg (61.64 KB, 474x466, Screenshot_2024-07-12-08-….jpeg)


Rye waz here




File: 1722365758074.png (Spoiler Image, 179.66 KB, 1700x1600, soygem.png)

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