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Countdown: 6h 32m 9s


File (hide): 1714748081638.png (10.78 MB, 3096x4128, ClipboardImage.png)


 No.331[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

shitty sketch i made in class. I really need to learn hands


i like how it looks


when drawing hands, your own hand is your best friend. look at it and try to copy. a lot of it comes down to just grinding from reference. also i've been thinking of making like a page on the wiki with a bunch of resources for drawfags but obviously i'll need to get the greenlight from wikiGODs or whoever is in charge


trve, since i havent drawn for a while i got really rusty (especially with limbs and hands) but i think im progressing.


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 No.198[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>derailed good project cause need muh dramaslop
Anyway. should i continue this here or nah?
I'm on day 15 right now but i wanna keep it a suprise i guess
26 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


I still am


whats up with fnac? is it just steam cucking or froot being an incompetent fuck?


moreso steam cucked him because he was evading taxes




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Even doe i dont want another necrobumped thread on /soy/


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 No.317[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

new stealthjak


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 No.295[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]



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 No.230[Watch Thread][Reply]>>279[>][<]

i am feeding memes into machine learning to confuse the internet. will this work?
4 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


lonely soyjak sitting in room by himself wishing he was posing in an art class (lurk.info jannie)


retarded soyjak asking permission to go to testroom while posing in art class - kek


biden-voter soyjak waiting to be asked to sit for an art class




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 No.263[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

how to make art that has soul?




soul is a meme but the real answer is be genuine and purposeful


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Be disciplined with how much you "polish" it. It might feel good to try and refine a piece but if you overdo it the ROI will reverse and start chipping away at the character of the drawing instead of adding to it. Be disciplined with it, one moment you're polishing your golden egg and then you're just sanding the gold off.



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 No.197[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

stuff i made.
1 post omitted. Click to expand.


why you like him so much


i just do.


good for you


what did you use to make these gems soyteen? (like what program)




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 No.245[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

Okay, chucklefucks, request edits and DO edits. If this thread doesn't get much traction, I might make another one on >>>/soy/. Thougheverbeit, it'll probably live for longer on a board as slow as this.
Fuck if I know.
Uhh… download GIMP(the website also has tutorials): https://www.gimp.org/downloads/
There are also a bunch of online photoshop clones. There used to be one that was pretty good but it's been ages since I've used it so I am not sure that it still exists.
There are also a bunch of free art programs that have some bare-bones editing tools as well.
You VVILL help me make a better resources list in the future.


can you do soytan naked


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make it soy


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 No.254[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

this but with /memg/


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someone fucking do this


 No.247[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

more octoling nazi


Also xer name is Irene


get rid of the swastika on xer belt buckle, symbols of power should be above waist height and non-repeating outside of patterns


But i like it doe


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