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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1721248181071.jpeg (184.2 KB, 824x845, IMG_1126.jpeg)



File: 1721059749607.png (197.52 KB, 1275x1450, tama gem_20240715151457.png)


leaving this here


File: 1721112236642.gif (796.22 KB, 185x250, g.gif)

>raping and killing tama

File: 1714039806223.png (454.33 KB, 526x600, 1711308091588.png)


I still don't know who this image is supposed to mock


fat people



File: 1714039778164.jpg (66.58 KB, 600x795, 1617566035169.jpg)


First inspiration thread in /art/ history post drawings you've collected that inspire you here NOOOOOOOOW. Or just aesthetic images in general.
18 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1719747987216.jpg (831.06 KB, 1280x1600, 1647921352288.jpg)

Forgot to uncheck spoiler award


File: 1719748014135.jpg (302.15 KB, 1527x2048, 1648375912039.jpg)


File: 1719751410028.jpg (90 KB, 384x512, unnamed.jpg)


File: 1719831425203.jpg (2.07 MB, 1782x2400, 7581655@2x.jpg)

Get bamboozl'd


File: 1720370642654.jpg (76.33 KB, 395x600, 1662947051830044.jpg)

File: 1719582362767.png (Spoiler Image, 11.36 MB, 1352x2196, yufffegurfgyuyrguye.png)


1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


WHY is this 11.36 MB




Can you draw her more fat and also add the nose at least of middle proportions? That would've been awesome




File: 1720181294624.png (Spoiler Image, 116 KB, 1352x2196, IMG_0211.png)

here’s a fatter one i found on the jarty

File: 1719957099612-0.png (25.88 KB, 600x800, averyplier.png)

File: 1719957099612-1.png (15.52 KB, 638x324, furrybusts.png)

File: 1719957099612-2.png (194.2 KB, 898x842, 1716300188618x.png)


how do i improve?
Also do you guys like how i draw neutralplier


have you tried studying anatomy or something


yeah i tried
Im a bit good at it i guess


Draw something new each time




File: 1720126923906.gif (1.11 MB, 480x269, AMERICA.gif)

Draw something AMERICAN

File: 1719720238263.png (Spoiler Image, 445.83 KB, 1500x1500, aaa16d35-b5fb-4469-bb51-b4….png)


What are your thoughts on Shmorky and Flurps of his? Are they neet, or troon?
I don't know
That's why I ask y'all about that duh

File: 1719700897017.png (64.01 KB, 627x627, 0E982D45-029C-463B-BF01-4B….png)


>go on the booru
>find out that I've been automatically logged out of my account
>try to log in
>says that no user with those credentials exist
>check my account to see if it got banned
>nope, its still there
I swear thats the exact password I attached to my soybooru account

File: 1718275376824.png (159.79 KB, 968x915, ClipboardImage.png)






God bless lidl

File: 1714491959811.png (13.19 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


attempted to draw a made up variant, i call him "ickson" or something


File: 1714508895202.png (14.25 KB, 500x250, babajak.png)

>attempted to draw a made up variant, i call him "ickson" or something


File: 1719098451522.jpg (55.58 KB, 478x1024, 1691123348458.jpg)

why are you looking at my post history bro



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