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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1714068313075.jpg (58.05 KB, 765x700, 1694115351349088.jpg)


I kindly inquire you to make this frog look as realistic as possible. Thanks.
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




all of these are nearly unreadable on the default gem theme btw



File: 1726286490130.png (586.04 KB, 764x698, 20240914_125946.png)

made this in like 20 minutes


File: 1725973715861.png (9.82 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)





File: 1716981974344.jpg (99.77 KB, 800x1119, uberchud.jpg)


chudjak' him


Nobody ever 'jaked him….


File: 1726078289082.png (10.69 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

File: 1724792771668.png (829.73 KB, 613x607, ClipboardImage.png)


It's about time for something like this
9 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1725134972357.png (Spoiler Image, 153.71 KB, 600x775, 1725111098796.png)

彼は強迫観念だ "sex with dodderfail"


saged in all fields because dodderGOD didnt draw this


File: 1725321826439-0.png (20.7 KB, 350x500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1725321826439-1.png (22.76 KB, 350x500, Untitled548_20240903020232.png)

File: 1725321826439-2.png (20.02 KB, 350x500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1725321826439-3.png (14.75 KB, 350x500, ClipboardImage.png)

fresh batch


File: 1725322165949.png (19.6 KB, 350x500, Untitled545_20240903010220.png)

+ this


File: 1725892943463-0.png (21.49 KB, 350x500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1725892943463-1.png (38.22 KB, 350x500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1725892943463-2.png (18.96 KB, 350x500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1725746371435.png (144.75 KB, 646x1050, itransheartshemmy.png)


drew 'mon




gemmy Gem

File: 1725666128009.png (2.35 MB, 1280x1280, the beatles if they were g….png)


got bored


holy gem, you've got my updoot!



File: 1725613671744.png (157.28 KB, 500x500, ClipboardImage (11).png)


>mfw need to force myself to draw hands but never bothered to learn them

File: 1725470374884.png (389.13 KB, 1125x1178, ClipboardImage.png)




i like it it's funny


if you dont like parts or have some feedback feel free to share it


it's fine in my eyes and i like how messy it is. if you're going for hyper gia realism doe, chud's arms look like stubs and could use some work


File: 1725489018119.png (127.94 KB, 633x576, 1698398426620005.png)

Reminded me of this therefore gem

File: 1725487080323.png (122.18 KB, 729x1222, shortbody.png)


>The body was too short or empty.

File: 1721248651301.jpg (232.71 KB, 1004x1009, SoyDraw.JPG)


Just came here from the ‘ru, why do some ’teens compare you guys to the jarty?


Dey hate us kuh dey ain't us n sheeit


theyre pissed off that we shit on Froot since most of the sharty users are shills or right wing twitter immigrants who treat the site as a playground to do heinous shit or are too brainwashed and disregard the frootcord leaks. source: i was originally a sharty user before migrating here.


Fair, I also dislike froot (he’s in between coal/carbon, not brimstone at least)




i always thought your name was "troonsoy"

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