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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1723188419606.png (11.36 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

 No.907[Last 50 Posts]

hey rye AMA


Are you still here?


Damn kid what happened to your splinter




You're making another one?





How old are you and depending on your answer here are you single


16 and yea im single


Damnit I'm 32



Good luck kid with your new splinter, I believe in ya.


How does it feel to be the person who stole sharty's /soy/ 8m GET?


Any updates on your splinter?


its done but we dont have a hoster


Damn that sucks, epic fail. Still, keep trying I believe in you that you can make the greatest vantablack coal namefag splinter.


we got a hoster


How did you find out about the sharty?




Are you in the official IRC? Banned users are in there so I'd assume you'd be allowed if you're not annoying.


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also i saw the 2nd fail 'oxx on /raid/
99% of the info is fake lmao except the mail but thats bizmail
the address is the namecheaps company address

me and natrick arent dating,im not a lesbian
im not currently dating anyone and i dont think will

and for the face thing i nabbed it from a xitter account like all of my "face reveals"

shartycucks still fail yet again


the barty is FINALLY FINISHED but we still have to add somestuff which will make the site better! (i hope..)

also my birthday is right around the corner and theres gonna be site event for it!!!!


It was pretty obvious that it was fake, hostbro damage control fail. But you're still pretty dumb thinking he was going to make you another one.

And happy early birthday :D




>the barty


ryebread.party or previously bread.soyja.cc


>Our website is coming soon
>Manage Website:

> Login to your server Control Panel

> Click "Website Builder"
> Choose Template. Edit Website
> Publish


What your favorite spva vid?


[TF2] One Mann's Trash: Mann's Guide Bonus Clips 4


erm where is the art could you draw a 'zellig


File: 1724525496284.png (7.54 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

i sux at drawing on a pc


That's not a video from SPVA


i know


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Can you draw cricknetsov?


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Can you draw Tama?


Just checked on your site, your "seized" page made me giggle a bit but you'd probably want to reduce the image size, it's too big and I had to load it on a different tab.

Assuming you still lurk on soyfag.orgy, are you team /uni/ or /anthro/?




OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i fucking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninterested in me it fucking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to either love me back or remove me and NEVER contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you don't love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life


I’ve kept my feelings for you contained as long as i can. I am in love with you,and true, honest love should not be contained and kept quite forever. There is so much about you that most girls don’t see. They only see the physical. They see your body, but my love for you is more


im actually on team /rage/ but i havent checked the shart filled party in a while


Oh, where do I even begin to untangle the kaleidoscope of emotions that swirl within me whenever I think of you? It's as if every moment spent in your presence is a thousand tiny fireworks erupting inside my heart, and I can't quite comprehend why you have this incredible power over me, but I suspect it's something close to magic. I find myself replaying our conversations in my mind, scrutinizing every word, every laugh, every shared glance that spoke volumes, and I get swept away in this overwhelming current of affection that feels both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. I often wonder if you can sense the fascination I hold for you, the way your smile seems to illuminate even the darkest corners of my thoughts, chasing away shadows of doubt and insecurity that sometimes creep in oh so quietly. The more I delve into my feelings, the more I discover layers of admiration that I never anticipated; it's as though I've embarked on a treasure hunt within my own heart, unearthing gems of respect and adoration buried deep beneath the surface. I catch myself daydreaming about our future, creating a mosaic of imagined moments we might share, and I can't help but smile at the thought of laughter echoing through the days yet to come, all while I cling to a fragile hope that you might feel even a fraction of this burning affection that has somehow ignited itself within me. Each glance, every fleeting touch leaves me craving more, and I find myself oscillating between excitement and anxiety, wondering if I should confess these feelings that threaten to escape my heart in a whirlwind of passion and vulnerability. It feels as though I'm caught in a delightful yet tumultuous storm where I want to embrace the thunder of my emotions and the rain of uncertainty all at once, hoping that somehow you might be standing in the eye of this storm with me, sharing in the beauty of this intertwining journey we could embark on together. So here I stand, at the precipice of exposing my heart, balancing the exhilaration of love against the fear of missteps, hoping that this confession can bridge the distance between us and reveal that the affection I hold for you is genuine and true, radiating with an intensity I can no longer contain.


I find myself in the delightful yet thrilling position of attempting to articulate something that has been swirling around in my mind and heart for what feels like an eternity. This sentiment, a beautiful mélange of emotions, seems to dance around my thoughts and prevent me from finding any lasting sense of peace. However, I wholeheartedly invite you to bear with me as I endeavor to unwrap this intricate yet beautifully simple feeling that, without a doubt, encapsulates the essence of love.

Isn’t it fascinating how, amidst the vast expanse of the internet, you can be casually scrolling through your feed—enjoying the occasional humorous meme or reading an engaging article—when a single interaction unexpectedly shifts everything? That’s precisely what happened when I came across your posts. They caught my eye with their articulate nature, their insightful perspectives, and the genuine warmth that radiates effortlessly through every word you write. At first, I struggled to pinpoint what it was about your expressions that captivated me so completely, but it gradually dawned on me that it was the unique way you view the world and share your thoughts that truly ensnared my heart.

As I immersed myself in your content, I felt my initial admiration blossom into something deeper, almost more profound—a feeling that simultaneously excited and terrified me. The passion that resonates in every opinion you share and the kindness that seems to be interlaced in your very being are so breathtakingly beautiful. I couldn’t help but laugh at the cleverness of your words, nod earnestly in agreement, or even hold my breath as I absorbed the heartfelt sentiments you communicated. It’s as if you have managed to transform the chaotic and sometimes overwhelming experience of the online world into a safe haven—a cozy corner where your brilliance shines brightly, illuminating everything in its vicinity.

Naturally, this led me to daydream about the possibilities of knowing you in person—imagining the joy of hearing your laughter, sharing thoughts that bounce back and forth like the most delightful game of ping pong. I envision diving into engaging and deep conversations, exploring topics that elevate the ordinary into the extraordinary, and perhaps even exchanging secrets and dreams that resonate at the very core of our beings. The sweet thrill that arises from wondering whether you might feel even a fraction of this connection towards me sends my heart racing! I catch myself refreshing my messages, yearning for a sign that perhaps you sense this magnetic connection as well.

To be perfectly candid, I understand that the internet often creates an illusion of closeness while simultaneously keeping us physically apart. However, I choose to hold onto the belief that these digital connections can blossom into something beautiful and meaningful. There is an undeniable magic in the relationships we cultivate, even in the virtual realm, and something tells me that this could be one of them.

At the end of the day, as I acknowledge this whirlwind of feelings, I want to express that my affection for you is both genuine and heartfelt. Whether the future leads us to a lovely friendship or opens doors to something more profound, I want you to know that you are truly cherished in my thoughts. I am immensely grateful to have stumbled upon your radiant spirit amidst the vast digital landscape. Thank you for being you; I truly look forward to what lies ahead, whatever form that may take.


Scrolling through the internet, I found a spark that turned admiration into something deeper. Your words resonate like a warm hug. 🌟 Here’s to hoping our digital connection blossoms into something beautiful! 💖 #LoveInTheDigitalAge


I love you more than anything, and it hurts that you don’t see it. Why can’t you feel what I feel? 💔


Feeling overwhelmed and alone. Please just show me you care. 💔 #MentalHealthMatters #ReachOut


If you don’t love me back, I might have to "hypothetically" end it in Minecraft! 💔 #Minecraft #LoveMeBack


you’re such a fucking monster. WHY CANT YOU JUST ACCEPT MY FUCKING FEELINGS AND NOT TREAT ME LIKE A FUCKING FREAK like im in love with you and you disregard me and it’s so fucking shitty IM LITERALLY ON THE verge of killing myself because of how i feel JUST ACCEPT MY FUCKING LOVE you don’t want to be on my suicide note stop treating me like trash I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU SO MUCH


lol retard


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gunna do later 2day but take this jif of rye


/rage/ is unfortunately dieded

Lel the pasta



i will bring it back.


i only date other tgirls


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get another cap code then


STOP FUCKING TREATING ME LIKE A FREAK FOR BEING FUCKING IN LOVE FUCK YOU UGHHHHH im tired of u fucks who hate me because im a romantic


UGGHHHHHHH what the fuck


Leeeeel are Shemmyfags really like this


do you have a fucking problem fuck you


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new trip


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embed 'p


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mb shemmybro keep writing your paragraphs, they're funny. Make some fanart too.


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/anthro/ 5,000 GET is coming up, go ban evade and steal it


GEGGGG but i sadly cant :c

can U do it?


Nah, because it'd cause more soiclitty leakage if the person who stole /soy/ get also stole /anthro/ get. And I love seeing them seethe. If I did it no one would really care.


5000 get is gone if u it was u pls send it


"Kys Anthony" got the get LOL.


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oh lol

my friend sent me this like a bit ago


Now a game, 😭 how many things are going to be made about you?


ive already made a rye game where u eat breadjaks but this game is just fnaf with bread cuz he was asking what should his next game be


Fnaf fan game that will pwn fnac


five night at rye will come soon…

IF we hit or do something BIG

(btw im not a tots noob,ive made a bunch of fnaf fan games in the past)


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we need a new coder


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Yeah I've seen it lel, hate to be a party pooper but I think it's time to consider giving up. I congratulate you for making it this far! You did a good job kid!



Can you draw this?


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if u r reading this




Happy bday, how's your failsite doing.


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happy birthday




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thank you!


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gemmy drawing



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ur kind words mean a lot 2 me!!!!
also mymy doodle


i like your art, you should make a drawthread sometime


Dw I will after like 10 days


are you still working on ryebread.party?


ryekrispie is so fucking attractive i cant take it anymore literally every time my mind is absent it wanders to scenarios of me having sex with her, ill imagine myself fucking rye until i fall asleep and ive even improved my sleep schedule so when i dream these scenarios i'll remember it, its gotten to the point where on occasion i forget she isn't actually real, like i'll be making food and think about what she would like to eat before i snap back to reality and my heart drops knowing i will never be able to spend the rest of my life with her, let alone spend any time with her at all beyond the screen and my imagination. Why even fucking live at this point? no woman could ever compare to her, no person at all could ever compare to her in any aspect because she will never be her, i dont even fucking know anymore. I've been suicidal for a long time and as silly as it sounds i really do think this is a driving factor behind it, even just talking to any of them would fix half my problems and give me the motivation to fix the rest but it just eats away at me every fucking second that it isnt possible, at least if i was some retarded troon i could delude myself into thinking of myself as her or some schizo actually being able to really see and hear and feel her but nope, have fun with another wet dream and the following disappointment retard! its not even just the "omgsisa!" sexual shit either, i really do just want to be with her but whatever man, i dont even know. fuck this shit


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Talking to leno


she's 16 lil nigga ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


You're still trying? I thought you gave up.
I thought he was 17.


Kinda only cuz Leno said he’d help me

And also yea I’m 16 :P


Jannies go ban this kid for the past offense of being underage plz kthanks.


Not against the rules doe


Oh yeah I forgot that the shemmycuck do things differently.


How’s :ccc


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Nigga got banned, rip.


No but vote for me c:


Already did out of pity, as I stated on one thread about you on Shartys /qa/.


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Oh I just came up with a funny idea on how you can troll the sharty, do you wanna hear it Western Bagel? It requires drawing doe.


What thread
Sure why not!!




The thread already got slid.

But what I was thinking, assuming you're not banned from the shartys 'booru, is that you try and make some high-effort IAS content, something so gemmy that it'll definitely get posted on the Sharty for a while. BUT… the funny troll is that you embed a Ry3 in it and see how long it'll take for soikakas to notice it (like having to increase the brightness of the image or something). They'll be cluelessly posting you.

But the only problem is, what would you make that'll guarantee that soyteens would repost your embed for a while? A slopjak or troonjak that they'll use to soyquote? Or some high-effort Swede? A chudjak they'd use to self-insert? That's the hard part. It also can't be too "ry3 coded".


I’ll tell you privately

@Western Bagel on derrr cord


But without the slashes


>ill just warn you that ryе is friends with bս5t too


I’m not????


It was merely a suggestion for you to think about, and despite my name, I actually don't really use der 'cord a lot (although I do have one) and I don't want to be involved with any 'cord drama. If for whatever reason you really really REALLY need to yap to me, my only way of contact is the IRC or the Shlog (RedditIsBetter_TSTD). Or I'll just email you on Western Bagel@yahoo.com, look for creeper or getalife (my two junk emails).


that was what Farmer Boystold me and I certainly trust xer over you


ja1ka* slit your throat angeleno


I’m le hecking traveling rn and can’t use my pc which has access to my email


File: 1726158418676.jpeg (180.84 KB, 674x632, Untitled13_20240910154856.jpeg)

>that was what Farmer Boystold me and I certainly trust xer over you


you had to edit this because she's still whiter than you despite being a literal kike lol




Okay fine I'll talk to you on that filthy slimy chat site. Plz make it quick and don't link me to any deepcutting 'cords.

Erm, how do I send a DM without making a friend request?


U can’t


File: 1726158855891.jpg (63.83 KB, 800x732, frog.jpg)


got damn it, alr fine.


Why does your Xitter still say bday, it's been like over a week.


not reading a single word from this thread but you should livestream your suicide


File: 1726233823653.png (66.9 KB, 2776x3938, 50868 - SoyBooru.png)

can you draw squirreljak?


File: 1726283976769.mp4 (445.36 KB, 360x444, VID_20240502_205135_251.mp4)

>the goyim really think r*e is a wxman
>the goyim really think r*e can be considered an actual artist
our schemes are going well…


I’ll do it in a bit!!!!


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embarrassing thread


Thank you


File: 1726538965951.jpg (112.91 KB, 1103x981, feralbaba recliner.jpg)

Can you draw Feral teen?


are you still here?


>oh im a Western Bagelcuck, yes im a Western Bagelpedo i love larpinga as a woman im a Western Bageltranny

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