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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1723188419606.png (11.36 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

 No.907[View All]

hey rye AMA
86 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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ur kind words mean a lot 2 me!!!!
also mymy doodle


i like your art, you should make a drawthread sometime


Dw I will after like 10 days


are you still working on ryebread.party?


ryekrispie is so fucking attractive i cant take it anymore literally every time my mind is absent it wanders to scenarios of me having sex with her, ill imagine myself fucking rye until i fall asleep and ive even improved my sleep schedule so when i dream these scenarios i'll remember it, its gotten to the point where on occasion i forget she isn't actually real, like i'll be making food and think about what she would like to eat before i snap back to reality and my heart drops knowing i will never be able to spend the rest of my life with her, let alone spend any time with her at all beyond the screen and my imagination. Why even fucking live at this point? no woman could ever compare to her, no person at all could ever compare to her in any aspect because she will never be her, i dont even fucking know anymore. I've been suicidal for a long time and as silly as it sounds i really do think this is a driving factor behind it, even just talking to any of them would fix half my problems and give me the motivation to fix the rest but it just eats away at me every fucking second that it isnt possible, at least if i was some retarded troon i could delude myself into thinking of myself as her or some schizo actually being able to really see and hear and feel her but nope, have fun with another wet dream and the following disappointment retard! its not even just the "omgsisa!" sexual shit either, i really do just want to be with her but whatever man, i dont even know. fuck this shit


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Talking to leno


she's 16 lil nigga ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


You're still trying? I thought you gave up.
I thought he was 17.


Kinda only cuz Leno said he’d help me

And also yea I’m 16 :P


Jannies go ban this kid for the past offense of being underage plz kthanks.


Not against the rules doe


Oh yeah I forgot that the shemmycuck do things differently.


How’s :ccc


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Nigga got banned, rip.


No but vote for me c:


Already did out of pity, as I stated on one thread about you on Shartys /qa/.


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Oh I just came up with a funny idea on how you can troll the sharty, do you wanna hear it Western Bagel? It requires drawing doe.


What thread
Sure why not!!




The thread already got slid.

But what I was thinking, assuming you're not banned from the shartys 'booru, is that you try and make some high-effort IAS content, something so gemmy that it'll definitely get posted on the Sharty for a while. BUT… the funny troll is that you embed a Ry3 in it and see how long it'll take for soikakas to notice it (like having to increase the brightness of the image or something). They'll be cluelessly posting you.

But the only problem is, what would you make that'll guarantee that soyteens would repost your embed for a while? A slopjak or troonjak that they'll use to soyquote? Or some high-effort Swede? A chudjak they'd use to self-insert? That's the hard part. It also can't be too "ry3 coded".


I’ll tell you privately

@Western Bagel on derrr cord


But without the slashes


>ill just warn you that ryе is friends with bս5t too


I’m not????


It was merely a suggestion for you to think about, and despite my name, I actually don't really use der 'cord a lot (although I do have one) and I don't want to be involved with any 'cord drama. If for whatever reason you really really REALLY need to yap to me, my only way of contact is the IRC or the Shlog (RedditIsBetter_TSTD). Or I'll just email you on Western Bagel@yahoo.com, look for creeper or getalife (my two junk emails).


that was what Farmer Boystold me and I certainly trust xer over you


ja1ka* slit your throat angeleno


I’m le hecking traveling rn and can’t use my pc which has access to my email


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>that was what Farmer Boystold me and I certainly trust xer over you


you had to edit this because she's still whiter than you despite being a literal kike lol




Okay fine I'll talk to you on that filthy slimy chat site. Plz make it quick and don't link me to any deepcutting 'cords.

Erm, how do I send a DM without making a friend request?


U can’t


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got damn it, alr fine.


Why does your Xitter still say bday, it's been like over a week.


not reading a single word from this thread but you should livestream your suicide


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can you draw squirreljak?


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>the goyim really think r*e is a wxman
>the goyim really think r*e can be considered an actual artist
our schemes are going well…


I’ll do it in a bit!!!!


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embarrassing thread


Thank you


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Can you draw Feral teen?


are you still here?


>oh im a Western Bagelcuck, yes im a Western Bagelpedo i love larpinga as a woman im a Western Bageltranny

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