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 No.1648[Watch Thread]>>1649[>][<]

>want to draw something
>open art program
>get a brief idea
>sketch it out
>"no this wouldn't work"
>erase it
>get another brief idea
>sketch it
>"this looks like shit"
>erase it
>repeat for 2 hours
>get nothing done
Should I just ack?


>>1648 (OP)
no i do it as well though its not art related


File (hide): 1728174303935.gif (66.4 KB, 775x849, neutralcob blinking.gif)

even doe I can't get ideas I want to stick with almost ever
i was gonna go and look at my old request thread on here for ideas but it's gone so fuuuuuuuuck


can you draw soyjak being murdered by feraljak?

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