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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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trust the plan.

File: 1714041442277.png (135.76 KB, 600x450, mameson calm 1.png)


This is a board for the sharing and posting of art. Please specify if you are reposting anot her person'swork or not.
NSFW of course is to be spoilered as well.
Please respect the theme of the board, threads that are unrelated to art will be moved to /soy/

File: 1715626373777.png (38.39 KB, 902x1418, ddfsjfewf.png)


we should create board tans like old 4cuck


Not a bad idea, we should make one for /sgp/ and /int/

File: 1715330060275-0.png (1.52 MB, 2308x1450, 1084294735.png)

File: 1715330060275-1.png (243.91 KB, 1422x1725, 961790371.png)


planned to make a tranime visual novel adventure-type thread
not sure if i should post it on here or the farty doe
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


force it one more time and you'll finally be a woman


File: 1715352453413.png (478.84 KB, 890x774, 20240510_234518.png)

not not what what


cool idea and art but i don't like admins or jannies being included in anything


tsmt unless it's a warning about a pedophile on the prowl around the neighborhood


this tbh

File: 1715577105189.jpg (319.26 KB, 823x1397, 1715560724356.jpg)


New Gemmington

File: 1714248322095.png (313.4 KB, 2000x1473, wheely bopper.png)


mame hd
25 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


dear diary
yikes… it took me two days to finally make the audio. now it's time for THE HECCIN ANIMATION
i wonder if i should shoot for the stars and make it harder for me or if i should just half-ass it, making the process faster


do NOT half ass it. You have a great oppurtunity to make this shit written in shemmy history. Take your time if you need to jackass.


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okay so it turns out drawing the sprites in photoshop and then moving them to flash each time is a fucking time waste, so i'll be remaking it with vector drawings instead
but check this out, the dialog box is a post mock-up


yep, this is another taking too much on myself moment
don't worry, i don't like being a quitter


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oh ma god ur back

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Someone redraw them on magma

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soyjak but in original tomogatchi art style




bumping this gemerald

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pretty gud


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i was wondering where i got this from

File: 1715455397040.jpg (824.88 KB, 1649x1080, Picsart_24-05-12_05-22-44-….jpg)


Is this good flag?

File: 1715417210036.png (84.5 KB, 780x1250, doddermodd.png)




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