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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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Welcome to /soy/ - Soyjaks

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dealers of god


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i’ve been living in my curse
there’s no way out


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good timeline


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are bodhisattvas the original freedom fighter?

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I'm making another thread because someone wiped the catty while i was gone.
Previous thread: https://archive.md/yXsYU
All of the mamesons from the previous thread can be found here >>>/qa/189746
64 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>Angeleno was right about everything. You and your pedophile buddies will rot in hell for all eternity.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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It's the latest ban message. I'm not sure what it is talking about either


I think it's something to due with the Chinnoids


doubtful, chinnycucks arent pedophiles


angeleno was wrong though the chinny only went to shit because they shilled on the jarty on the day it shut down


All of the jarty rapefugees left doe

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>deleted the gay porn gem
Rulecucked shithole


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ITT we post porn


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(((They))) are trying to slide this


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Kek, it's kino!

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why so slow shemmyshits


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why is every particle in the universe so obsessed with this site and wants to bring it down. there are better targets lol


i look like this

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weird lack of murder drones on here


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weird lack of murder drones on here

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 No.395497[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

CHADswork16 edition

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on:
Try to keep these to a minimum: Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting
>PPH trackers: https://marge.moe/ https://soygem.party/stats.php https://soyjak.link/
>Archive gemmy threads: https://archive.is https://ghostarchive.org https://megalodon.jp/
>View past threads: https://archive.is search - https://archive.marge.moe/ (warning: use latter with VPN/TOR)
Past happenings:
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187 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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get on /bant/ xisters


but i am sucking a fat bbc



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'zellig is currently being raped by instagram/reddit/X immigrants and unironic third worlders
this is good because i dont like it lol get fucked zarty troons


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>zellig newfags don't even know what the word "zellig" means

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