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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1730805846837.png (28.53 KB, 1000x800, 1730805608026.png)

 No.360685[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Dead nigger site right now but that makes long projects easier o qualcosa.
Reply and I will draw in a new building or landform.
118 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




Add a toy store




Add the Gemuseum


Mt svvt

File: 1734682644767.jpg (Spoiler Image, 35.71 KB, 370x756, 1734682478563.jpg)


homosexuality is a disgusting cancerous disease

File: 1734681849726.png (198.39 KB, 929x898, fan of using the feminist ….png)


>when you see an ugly small penis angel


everyone looks like that - even christopher walken, adolf hitler, and mike tyson

File: 1734682289875.png (263.6 KB, 640x730, when his personality is go….png)


>when you see an attractive moid angel

File: 1734679895162.png (33.27 KB, 323x335, when she has equal prefere….png)


guys scientists just proved whitebois can't be considered men from an objective standpoint
chuds why do we keep taking Ls like this?


OP here I'm trans btw


no arrow

File: 1734426652734.png (1.19 MB, 778x556, new j'ak.PNG)


jak him


major diamond potential


who is this?


some new york food youtuber


do you have the link to his channel?


File: 1734678857429.jpg (208.94 KB, 1080x1660, Screenshot_20241220_171231….jpg)



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File: 1734675730849-1.jpg (40.75 KB, 811x803, chad never seen a vagina.jpg)


>incels look like this


everyone looks like that albeit

File: 1734672208776.png (115.69 KB, 407x400, fan of being blurred out l….png)


>yeah well you could say i have a pretty run of the mill "light" humour
>*racism against white people*


shining gem

File: 1734676760551.png (23.79 KB, 214x255, fan of that bwc.png)


>telling women to settle down le good despite the fact that they would probably settle down with simp betas instead of ugly incels

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