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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1734602192168.png (108.59 KB, 750x1100, wholesome nazi.png)


new toss

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>instagram immigrants
>gamejolt immigrants
>scratch immigrants
>tiktok immigrants
>blacked.com immigrants


I'm all of these


there probably is at least one soicaca out there that discovered the sharty from blacked


>do raids on blacked threads
>blacked fetishists actually find the site
can we do this


thats me

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> My son Dubaya, the dominos pizza people showed up at my pyramid
and they said you ordered some 60 dollors worth of pizza?
What tricknology is this?

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I'm a handsome shemmy using cis man.
I shit in the toilet like a handsome shemmy using cis man.
I shit in the toilet! dirt!
i love making dirt in the twoleg's toilet and making piss too~~
im making in my warm acidic piss and smelly dirt in the twoleg's toilet!

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>say it say it as i cum
<i love your bwc soyak
>*gets up and smacks the bitch*
<what was that for also you didn't cum?
>it's a twp all white men have twp
<dude it's like 8 inches and why are you making this about race?
>black men have 12 inch dicks and that's when they are small
<a 12 inch dick probably couldn't even fit in the average woman's vagina
>i've never verified that but black men black women all the time so i think you are lying
<stfu your bwc is probably the perfect size
>*smacks the bitch again*
<i'm calling the cops
>good maybe they can kill an unarmed white man this time
<what is even wrong with you?


i say all of this


no arrow so you look like classic soyjak and a pink haired girl with a daddy shirt at the same time


this is true


Anti-white thread.


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>Anti-white thread despite the fact that it is making fun of the bbc obsessed soyboy because even the mention of bbc makes my clitty leak
congratulations chud you've just exposed every one of your kind as bbc obssessed losers

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Where were you when this gem dropped?
12345 GET on the swinny's /soy/


Not a good look…


even doe we swinnyGODS love MLP


all lesbians are gemmy you fucking bigot.


ITT we post swinnycore. To start here's Lars cucking Tama KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK GET FUCKED SHEMMYSLUTS.

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>women bad despite the fact that once they eliminate all asian males from the genepool no one will buy riots 250$ skins anymore

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why don't car makers sell their cars with paragraph decals anymore
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


what are those fonts?


trve, chevrolet already does it so why not them too?



File: 1734594761719.png (6.93 KB, 169x298, autistiche.png)

gothic is the (old english) font on microsoft word
the german version is called fraktur
Tannenberg is the official font of the NSDAP


typographyCHAD, I…

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Looking good




where did all the tattoos go ?

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