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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1732137357124.png (87.75 KB, 343x521, berngem2.png)


The sharty /soy/ ended up actually becoming a daycare. If just Kuz had listened to my suggestion of scaring the nubabas with BMT, or if Fr00t just had allowed me to keep spamming 'cado this all could have been prevented.


File: 1732137616344.png (373.53 KB, 594x555, 1732137593177.png)

Both of these are horrible takes.


i want bsl 3 for next pandemic


bait from the depths of ohio

File: 1732133250437.gif (1012.28 KB, 180x180, 1731353117220.gif)


>You really should be doing this all in a single thread instead.
10 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


let me have sex with you already ive been asking for so long im at the point where i would rape any twink i see outside and imagine him as you
please let me have sex with you please im going to kill myself if you don't


File: 1732137449553.jpg (29.37 KB, 128x128, berngem3.jpg)



File: 1732137501577.png (711.18 KB, 735x703, 1732137447641.png)

You are an insane person…


^she got aroused by the comment doe


Definitely not.

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>brimmy log

File: 1732133626888.gif (11.5 MB, 600x613, giga_singer.gif)


>Thanks for the compliment…?

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>doing drugs


Yes I do look like this and say this, so what?

File: 1732133085334.gif (796.22 KB, 185x250, 1730776937326q.gif)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>oh im a talkingmedscuck yes im a talkingmedscuck


You really should be doing this all in a single thread instead.

File: 1732133156448.gif (3.46 MB, 360x640, 86f.gif)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>oh im a talkingmedscuck yes im a talkingmedscuck

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>oh im a talkingmedscuck yes im a talkingmedscuck

File: 1732132962208.png (1.13 MB, 1200x675, aryan (8).png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>oh im a talkingmedscuck yes im a talkingmedscuck

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Do any of you shemmyshits play an instrument?
21 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


pitiful sage


you guys are so right let's get on a discord call


i have a piano but i lack musical knowledge on how to play an instrument


File: 1732132822610.png (1.26 MB, 720x718, 1732132768975.png)

I own both a guitar and a piano, though I don't know how to play either.


fair enough

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