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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1734609678368.png (59.03 KB, 238x212, 1731436392616.png)


Dead nigger.
14 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


@polyanna do you shave? how many times a week do you shower? what other parts of your body do you clean? are your feet clean? do you have hrtitties yet? :3


sorry sis she’s too busy getting gaped by vadim and dodder ping her again in a couple hours


Obsessed o algo
Also this thread is so bad for some reason


Kill yourself.
That wasn't me, but I'm alright with growing a beard when I'm old enough I guess. I just shave off any facial hair at any chance I get for now.
I shower almost everyday, but I'm not answering the other questions you weirdo.


>she didn't reply to this

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boymoder thread


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even doe her name is Menhera-chan and she is not a boymoder because trannies dont look like cute girls, they look like deformed freaks


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i decided to check out her manga and she turns out to be a manipulative suicidal woman. no wonder trannies self-insert as her kek


pirateCHAD please fuck my pooner pussy raw i love you almost as much as i hate monkey's


this shit looks like a little kid drew it

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4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




>gigachad IP


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sighhhhh i shouldnt be replying to not even bait, since these r just jokes and not meant to make me that mad but god have you fucking FAGGOTS ever had a seizure?!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT SHIT FUCKING HURTS. YOUR SHIT IS ALL FUCKED AND YOU ARE ALL GAY


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>post bait #1 on the shemalie
>didn't get any replies
>post bait #2 on the shemalie pointing out a shemalecord
>seething shemalies in the thread
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


ohh so THATS what the lag was lmao



>ddos clitty leakage
>STILL nobody posting on the swinny
what’s did he mean by this?


bait above me


i think you mean fact bomb

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>only my weapon seems to understand

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and you don't seem to understand


that OP enjoys being ravaged by big cocks



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neil is in my eyes!
neil is in my ears!
neil is in my blood!
neil is in my tears!


i dont get it


F3ralt33n you should start your own website one day


kys cuckstucknigger




You're right he's too obsessed to make frlteen.com

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did toss hit with this one?


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i dont get it


Trannies and terminally online queers make drawings of characters that they use to depict themselves. Ugly people have more smug and fancy drawings, normal people have more fun drawings.


File: 1734606765670.png (166.14 KB, 474x474, 1734606763991.png)

>Trannies and terminally online queers make drawings of characters that they use to depict themselves. Ugly people have more smug and fancy drawings, normal people have more fun drawings.


Live yourself chinnyaryan.

File: 1734608093863.png (301.33 KB, 864x529, OH MY ALLAH.png)


>170 PPH


Kill yourself obsessed faggot.


File: 1734608432962.png (672.04 KB, 642x800, ohio.png)

>Kill yourself obsessed faggot.


This never happens.




tfw you and mommy shit into the same diaper and swim in your shitty poopies~~~~

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 No.392036[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

toad edition

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on:
Try to keep these to a minimum: Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting
>PPH trackers: https://marge.moe/ https://soygem.party/stats.php https://soyjak.link/
>Archive gemmy threads: https://archive.is https://ghostarchive.org https://megalodon.jp/
>View past threads: https://archive.is search - https://archive.marge.moe/ (warning: use latter with VPN/TOR)
Past happenings:
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bait or nusoiretard
you call it





File: 1734609023900.jpg (118.35 KB, 500x500, 1734609021436.jpg)

sorry, didn't realize i undercooked


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