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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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>the botter

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>move this shit thread to /qa/ and have no NAS weekends too

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Coswork16 here, also known as CHADwork30 bc I support the UN AGENDA 2030. I have a new idea that could save soygem.party,


The PPH would skyrocket and the post quality would improve so much. This WILL save the shemmy.


tldr this never happened


and i am trans btw

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>300 ppd
16 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


even doe i'm female?


get out


none of you are real women



i'm literally bleeding out right now faggot

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>me am indonesian gigachad and me is Come from the Discord. Now i Ask for your co Operation to the Please pay in Gift card sir.

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So what did we learn today?
24 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


even doe i don't goon because my tiny brown swinny pecker doesnt deserve to ejaculate especially not inside of a beuatiful white goddess


You know, honey. Maybe swinnytards are built differently from each other


you're replying to bait stop replying to bait you're killing the website by encourage bait


At least I don't seethe as much as coswork


Chadswork16 won.

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can we boil poly alive in a big witches pot please
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


that's impossible quote is a 15 bwc inch having aryan


quote has the divine right of kings to rule the soysphere.




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>quote has the divine right of kings to rule the soysphere.
>that's impossible quote is a 15 bwc inch having aryan


the site hasnt been sued into oblivion yet

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is xhe right?
10 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


im not even a janny and the fact you thought i was one confirms you're a chinnycuck just kys already


whats wrong with being a chinnygod tho real talk yall straight up wild here bruh fr


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Meds. Now.


you just posted a shitlita bitch ass nigga square up


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are you seething over a ms paint drawing of a wojak bruh

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old polyerald


tldr poland is the empire of satan

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hello shemmy, say hi to my bull


Kek, it's kino!


>real flower smeller ip


it's so nice to have an anti racist community i can go to in between my visits to my home board called the swinny.

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