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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1732030341439.png (237.59 KB, 474x329, ClipboardImage.png)


i want to go into the forest and bury myself and curl into a ball and die


i will nap

File: 1732030705898.png (1.65 MB, 1490x1724, 61963 - SoyBooru.png)


>gay neil cicierega

File: 1732030530307.png (999.02 KB, 859x720, 68367 - SoyBooru.png)


>i want to go into the forest and bury myself and curl into a ball and die

File: 1732028358033.png (99.42 KB, 415x707, 5027 - SoyBooru.png)


>>>368196 (You)
>lemon demon mentioned


File: 1732030326244.png (179.19 KB, 625x923, feralbob.png)

now look how you made him feel

File: 1732028870026.png (24.87 KB, 123x227, ClipboardImage.png)


>Evidence that such contaminants can survive in the water supply surfaced in a five�month investigation released by the Associated Press this year, which found a long list of
>medications, including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones,
>present in the watersheds and drinking water of 24 major urban centres.

File: 1732027580620.png (48.12 KB, 509x645, ClipboardImage.png)


>Biosolids a ‘disaster waiting to happen’

File: 1732026255452.png (398.47 KB, 801x580, ClipboardImage.png)


>Review the article "Green up your spring cleaning"(Opens in new window) published by CBC news. Use the guiding questions in your guided note taking document(Opens in new window) to make sure you are thinking critically. Complete the graphic organizer in your notes.

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>tyler good despite the fact that he's a demigorgon

File: 1732025568267.png (57.11 KB, 529x683, 1731804941672.png)


>Non-medical prevention method
>How you can protect yourself
>What I am doing well or what I can improve

File: 1732006043698.jpg (49.86 KB, 762x767, 134234123.jpg)


i hate this shit website but the chinny has fallen and i have returned




Did they unban child porn again


no they probably banned it


File: 1732025162817.jpg (21.12 KB, 320x350, 1731682258541.jpg)

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