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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Here's a question: did /qa/ win or lose?

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did you know every word you say on this site is logged by the NSA and MI5 except on /zellig/ and /liberty/? dont ask me how i know this and expect tracking to soon cover those boards too.




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why are you still here

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thanks for cleaning the spam


kill yourself roblox pedo


live yourself minecraft baby

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nothing makes me happy anymore and this i expected would always be my safe haven is collapsing around me and it just feels horrible in every way and i keep pulling all nighters yet as i gets worse i only become more addicted

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gore nsfw even tho i watch it with coworkers

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>you WILL cry over my dead porn sharing """soyjak""" website being finally euthanized like a sick dog because… erm… you just will, OK?
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The Shemmy is basically the jarty 2.0 at this point


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Mid 2024. Jake Higgers lies on his deathbed suffering from cancer after random shartoddlers ran up to him to throw poisonous black paint on his face to photograph him for their slopjaks. He lays suffering and hallucinates Soytan by his side holding his hand, rothbard talking about gold, hoppe talking about post-democracy and randjak arguing with the other 2.
eventually, the hallucinations turns from gemmy to boring and then to outright horrible to listen to. it becomes pure noise. jake lies there in agony, wishing for it all to stop.
he glances down at his misescord calendar. three weeks remain until september 20th. what a holy day.
on the night of the 20th, lute finally enters the hospital ward one last time. jake says his final goodbyes to 'tan, pepe, mises, rothbard, w7, sashley and to all his fellow /liberty/ loving 'jakkers before Lute finally pulls the plug and the machinery starts.


/liberty/ won and one day the shemmy too will be free.


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GEG i've realised this too


October 1 will be the dawn of /liberty/.
Trust the plan.

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I remember when we were all forced onto this board. It has nobody now. That explains exactly why the 1 board plan is a shit idea.


>1 board plan bad evendoe 95% posts are made on a single board
does posting frogs lower your IQ or do they just start with a lower level?


also what about /trant/kidcuckture or chireiden or something

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new stonetoss political cartoon


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>literal coolest thing ever
<this fucking sucks actually

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kill yourself anti do it for her tranny


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Adam if you see this I’m flying to scotland and paddling your buttocks

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kiwifarms users found the origin of DNB and it's a tweet from 2016 about the state of war in the DR congo

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how is anybody supposed to solve this new jarty captcha?


i dont know
email admin@jakparty.soy to change it back please im not at home rn so i cant email xim


Percentage of black pixels I suppose? Divide the image into 9 squares, then compute percent of black and then select corresponding squares nearby.

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Please Almighty God let this not be the end

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I didn't think I would ever be emotional about the jarty closing. Fuck. It's the end of an era. It falls like the walls are closing in. Please God don't let this be the end. 'jakking dies in darkness.

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>/liberty/ - jarty tribute

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>Feralteen (INFP)
<Joel (ENTJ)
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Save this truthnuke thread


stupid nigger


kys ENTPnigger



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thank you to our hardworking janitors

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