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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Here's a question: did /qa/ win or lose?

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AMA if there's anything you would like to ask, I believe my campaign can and will resonate with average shemteen


>ban everything i dont like

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One of the most frustrating things about the decline of the soysphere and especially the death of the jarty has been how it felt like there was nobody I could complain to. Everybody I know IRL is a normalfag who could care less. Even if I told them it would out me as a heckin' science denying chudcel bigot, if they understood at all.
People say to let bygones be bygones. People say it's just a shitposting website. But something holds me back and keeps me fixed to the memory of it.
Nobody I know IRL could ever be trusted with it. All my online """""friends""""" are sick of me ranting about it and either ignore me or change the topic.
It hasn't been what it was in a very long time. I know this. Everybody knows. But I still got something out of it right? I must have or I wouldn't have stayed right?
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gotta agree with you there 'teen


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All good points.
>we will mature and likely find niche internet communities less relevant to our life.
I heard a few people say
>oh just find something else! there are so many other altchans and memes!
but this isnt the early 2000s, where imageboards and small communities are everywhere just waiting for you to integrate into them. the soysphere was gemmy because it was one of the only communities niche enough to be sustainable and also fresh, funny and interesting off of the mainstream web.
when i leave the soysphere, which may be in a month or a year or three, i don't see myself searching hard for something like it. i'll probably just move on with my life.
i really doubt any of you had to put in effort to find soyposting. whenever you discovered it, im certain it just happened.
>Personally I still plan on linger for as long as I can, while there's still pockets of the old glory around.
tsmt. the slowness of the shemmy compared with the sharty has also got me to produce more OC and edits than i used to, which has been nice.
i don't really view the shemmy as a distinct entity. it's just as though this is the real soy culture board, merely on a new domain.


the soysphere is very unique
it's essentially the rebellion against 4cuck which was already a rebellion against normies, it represents something very niche that i hope survives in some form however small in the future


ACKzellig picture so i wont read that nor will i care
kill yourselves


I read allat purely because of the accompanying zellig pictures, and cared
Love yourself

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itt post coal that makes you laugh
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>pro shipping


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Race Change to Another - a funny trend where people try to change their race
>pro shipping
being proship means that you believe people shouldn't be harassed and hurt for what they ship, and that includes even the fucked shit like necro, incest, big age difference, etc.. it doesn't necessarily mean that you ship these things yourself, and that definition is lost on a lot of people
this image it's just things people seethe about online


holy brimstone
>fujoshis lumped in with pedo/zookikeness


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why do I feel bad for the Jarty being put down even though it’s been overrun with pedos and gore gooners? the announcement did make some good points though.


stockholm syndrome


that's because you realise the rest of the shitsphere is going to follow the suit


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>overrun with gore gooners even doe gore is banned


coal Spirit Airlines bait

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new 'toss

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Thoughts on 'cado's weight loss?


im glad he finally did it but disappointed that we will never see him make a soygem version of the classic sharty video
i'm also a bit disappointed because i loved his fat persona but i'm happy he finally made the change he needed to

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im starting to notice that everytime i go on here the site dies
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Maybe stop fucking coming here then
Thanks in advance,
~The rest of the site


just read the new posts, make some yourself, and go do something else
this isn't a live chat


Selfish CUCK go away


im part of the rest of the site and i dont say this i think OP should stay


you bring bad luck
your aura is of the planet venus which is not in alignment with the movement of the rings of jupiter
for the sake of the site, please leave, it could cause a level 6 cytoplasmic universal decoordination for the site

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i hate feraIteen
this thread is for mocking him
>real 'jakking is when you self insert as a soyjak speaking in baby talk then invite everybody to a cytube where you vent about your shitty life and seethe at trolls or something


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>just reported you to the police for trolling lol


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>real 'jakking is when you self insert as a soyjak speaking in baby talk then invite everybody to a cytube where you vent about your shitty life and seethe at trolls or something

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new coal just dropped

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why did everybody start calling classic soyjak "soyak" this year? we've all seen the original filename as soyak.png but classic just sounds so much better


he has to be unique okay buddy okay pal


>classic soyjak
yep I think it's time to go back


cope and seethe

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You wanna know what really grinds my gears? Splinters. Oh, and their simps and haters. Jesus, why do we need splinter websites over a site about bald men with glasses? Hide the threads that are dogshit, that works everytime. No need for soyploop.gackygoowoo. Also, the simps are fucking gay, the haters type like retards and every single faggot who has ever posted in a splinter probably has HIV. Probably AIDS too. Don't get me STARTED on the drama! You could turn splinter drama into a TV show and have it run for 85 seasons. That's how rampant it is.
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kek why is my thread still up


because it was one of half a dozen funny threads on this 400 thread bord


mmm yes… i will "grind" your "gears" my kitten… *licks lips*


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>mmm yes… i will "grind" your "gears" my kitten… *licks lips*


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>>mmm yes… i will "grind" your "gears" my kitten… *licks lips*

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just found the worst larppost ever on /r9k/
theres no way people set contact names as anything but real names right? or am i just boring?


You're just boring I guess. I set my dads name to /trump/ because it makes me feel important

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almost 21 years old and i still dont know what the hell a club sandwich is


4 months until 2025, oh well i have the whole world anyways


I used to think I had all the time in the world but now even while the walls close in I feel weirdly relaxed as I waste the time away

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I'm still really confused by the schizoprehnic omori vs old man ramblings that filled /qa/ on the sharty in the second half of last year. Where the fuck did Omori go, did all the posters just die shortly after the nemlei dox and the tcoaaltrannies left /qa/? Why were they obsessed with dfnts? The only part of the "drama" i can remember was when root banned people for sexualizing the omori kids.


Dunno but there still exists an enclave of mori on 4cuck's /cm/ apparently


I can't say I'm surprised, this shit was pretty pederasty from the start

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i'm not sure if 'jakking dies in darkness but look around at this place, /qa/ sure has withered into nothing. where did everybody go? does nobody lurk the overboard anymore?
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sure just drop the accounttranny shtick and have fun without a name attached


all you fags are literally just jartyfails


is she the one with the shemmy rizz also is she single or with someone i want to rizz her up


home page won


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