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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

File: 1725518364351.png (129.65 KB, 205x246, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm still really confused by the schizoprehnic omori vs old man ramblings that filled /qa/ on the sharty in the second half of last year. Where the fuck did Omori go, did all the posters just die shortly after the nemlei dox and the tcoaaltrannies left /qa/? Why were they obsessed with dfnts? The only part of the "drama" i can remember was when root banned people for sexualizing the omori kids.


Dunno but there still exists an enclave of mori on 4cuck's /cm/ apparently


I can't say I'm surprised, this shit was pretty pederasty from the start

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