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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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One of the most frustrating things about the decline of the soysphere and especially the death of the jarty has been how it felt like there was nobody I could complain to. Everybody I know IRL is a normalfag who could care less. Even if I told them it would out me as a heckin' science denying chudcel bigot, if they understood at all.
People say to let bygones be bygones. People say it's just a shitposting website. But something holds me back and keeps me fixed to the memory of it.
Nobody I know IRL could ever be trusted with it. All my online """""friends""""" are sick of me ranting about it and either ignore me or change the topic.
It hasn't been what it was in a very long time. I know this. Everybody knows. But I still got something out of it right? I must have or I wouldn't have stayed right?


This board's dead so I'm just going to blog about whatever I want when I feel like it have another cup of snca chuds


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I care


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thanks chud


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I feel the same way. A less than graceful death of the soysphere, decline in quality and culture, displacement by outsiders etc. The soysphere has rapidly started to lose soul, I found it most noticeable around the start of this year, end of the previous.
It's hard to put into words, it's hard to diagnose and describe exactly what's going on and who's to blame, the only thing I know is the soysphere isn't as fun as it used to be.
I feel like I boarded a sinking ship.


But like…what now? The estimated death of the soysphere's nicheness is till the end of this year, before it's fully filled with tiktok, twitter, etc. majority migrants.


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What now? Savor the memories and move on. There's still a few places that will remain niche enough, new internet niches will spurt out…
But more so than that, we will mature and likely find niche internet communities less relevant to our life. It was a great ride, but life marches on, the community is dying in part due to people moving on, we may cling more than others but we'll move on as well eventually. Nothing lasts forever, the scarcity of life is what makes it interesting.
Personally I still plan on linger for as long as I can, while there's still pockets of the old glory around.


this site is truly the last thing i care about anymore


gotta agree with you there 'teen


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All good points.
>we will mature and likely find niche internet communities less relevant to our life.
I heard a few people say
>oh just find something else! there are so many other altchans and memes!
but this isnt the early 2000s, where imageboards and small communities are everywhere just waiting for you to integrate into them. the soysphere was gemmy because it was one of the only communities niche enough to be sustainable and also fresh, funny and interesting off of the mainstream web.
when i leave the soysphere, which may be in a month or a year or three, i don't see myself searching hard for something like it. i'll probably just move on with my life.
i really doubt any of you had to put in effort to find soyposting. whenever you discovered it, im certain it just happened.
>Personally I still plan on linger for as long as I can, while there's still pockets of the old glory around.
tsmt. the slowness of the shemmy compared with the sharty has also got me to produce more OC and edits than i used to, which has been nice.
i don't really view the shemmy as a distinct entity. it's just as though this is the real soy culture board, merely on a new domain.


the soysphere is very unique
it's essentially the rebellion against 4cuck which was already a rebellion against normies, it represents something very niche that i hope survives in some form however small in the future


ACKzellig picture so i wont read that nor will i care
kill yourselves


I read allat purely because of the accompanying zellig pictures, and cared
Love yourself

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