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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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>Angeleno was right about everything. You and your pedophile buddies will rot in hell for all eternity.


Can someone tell me who this ban message is talking about?




File: 1734753220151.png (11.18 KB, 1321x64, ClipboardImage.png)

It's the latest ban message. I'm not sure what it is talking about either


I think it's something to due with the Chinnoids


doubtful, chinnycucks arent pedophiles


angeleno was wrong though the chinny only went to shit because they shilled on the jarty on the day it shut down


All of the jarty rapefugees left doe


I don't think so because I don't remember Angeleno talking about the Chinny like that, I don't remember Angeleno talking about the Chinny at all and he liked the polcord, he even let churrochads ruin this site and the /pol/ banner used to redirect to chudpol. It might be about the FDL or something.


a few of (((them))) definitely settled
if its about frQQt then who the fuck hired swinnycucks as jannies


Yeah maybe, but the kikemin banned the pedos, at least most of them and that's why many jartycucks don't like the admin of the Chinny and call him a rulecuck. The Chinny had a BMTcuck problem but it wasn't full of pedos, the kikemin enforced rule 2 even more after the jarty rapefugees arrived (holy geg). The only "pedo" thing allowed was pretty much just falseflags, and generic edgy jokes but the jannies deleted it sometimes. Oh and the admin never banned soylita albeit he considered doing that when one of the jartypedos tried to force his discord drama on the site, but nobody posted that variant after the jartypedos left. It was a decent site but the BMTcorders destroyed our reputation, and I am pretty sure some of them were from the Jarty because nobody posted or even talked about BMT before (((they))) shilled the site on the Jarty.
I am not sure whether the ban was about the FDL or not but I've heard the jannies have been kinda "inconsistent" after the new hires so it's possible that someone hired a swinnycuck as a janny.


I hope I didn't post the same thing twice because this site is a bit slow right now and my post was not sent in the first try

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