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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1712532287651.png (172.13 KB, 305x341, janjan.png)


whilst you're making the site gemmy again you should do these two things:
auto sage threads over 3 days old
make the page limit 20


>auto sage threads over 3 days old
How would that fix anything though. Also doubt the jannies would willingly do that.
>make the page limit 20
Maybe once the threat of botniggers disappear it'll be considered. Svvts call though.


some people are just annoyed that they have to see the same thread over and over necrobumped by some nigger
personally i don't think it's a huge issue


negrobumping is shemmy culture or something. But yeah, if it becomes a really big issue and people actually request for it to end we'll do something about it.


>auto sage threads over 3 days old
considering adding this to the fork
>make the page limit 20
right now it's 60 but i want it to be ideally 40



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add thread watching just like 4chan



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Maho is the best girl!
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


yeji would never say this though
fake yeji


literally nobody cares


literal who ass nigger


File: 1711301385759.jpg (54.8 KB, 564x822, 1703275032543.jpg)

>Maho is the best girl!


saving this from page 40

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>get booru up
>make pinned thread not have missing images
simple as


why does it have (you) if i didint make it




log topper

File: 1712413412793.png (73.39 KB, 1500x1000, fingerboy.png)


>soy –> onions
>soyjak –> basedjak
>tbh –> desu


make moar filterz




do this 4 soul



File: 1710908992852.gif (396.07 KB, 220x220, dancing-cat-swag.gif)


Itt you ask me questions and I mog root by having more replys
41 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


How did they get the cat to do that


Depends on what was posted your very vague with wording


what do you think about avatar and namefags?


best staff member?


saving this from page 40

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ban the entire range


svvt do this


in fact block ipv6 period



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>adding more than 40 pages
I know wipes suck but i don't want posts from 2 months ago still here
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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>even doe


Sticky bc I agree




>moving it to the dead board so everyone ignores it
very smart



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marge why does the log suck so much there's so much NAS


I come here after being gone for a couple weeks and see this absolute joke of a log? I always liked this place because it was slow but actually more consistently good and IAS


variety is the spice of life



File: 1710802416826.png (147.13 KB, 1000x1000, 50361 - SoyBooru.png)


God I fucking hate niggers



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