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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1710908992852.gif (396.07 KB, 220x220, dancing-cat-swag.gif)


Itt you ask me questions and I mog root by having more replys


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what color is your skin


are you esl? is it a typing quirk?


Whiteish pink id say


Idk I type like a retard
People think I sound esl too but I'm not


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What is your favorite metal album?


The return …… (Of evil and darkness) By bathory


are you and leno still friends




Do you play eu4? hoi4?


No I dislike shitty map games


Then why did you play dominions?


this fucking nigger bro


Has more of a indepth strategy (magic and such) and gameplay value then hahahah THAT country is not supposed to be there lol


but i like eu4 and hoi4


idk how to explain it but Dominions reminds me of rise of nations


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tell svvt to fix our perms


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what is your favorite species?


if you had to meet leno in ohio would you do it


are you from ohio


Cat because I have 2 or humans
I'll pm him later today
I could probably bribe leno to do some work for us


>only 2


Id link up with leno anywhere if he wanted to link up


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could be funny


is your irl name really scar?


John scar is my full dox


Are you really a colorjak? why do you look like your name would be Smelvin Bartholomew?


Yes the fair teen who colored his face was me


why is there a nigger obsessed with your sister


Do you play any other games? Why are you so based? Would you cosplay as Scar for real on god?


Xer showed up for Ϫ seconds on stream


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worst staff member?


Maybe next fair that's what I'll pay them to face paint my face as
I play rainbow a little bit with my friends and just other shit I pirate


That one guy who's username starts with a y
I want happening threads pinned 24/7 but they keep on unpinning it and it makes me upset


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is cytube cord coal?


In moderation it's fine


How many replies did root have?


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Worlds most helpful poster award I'm glad I could count on you


Holy shit I already got more replys than root what the fuck


Its cause root is a literal who for most newGODs from spva


where you that guy posting about yourself on soyjak.party


How did they get the cat to do that


Depends on what was posted your very vague with wording


what do you think about avatar and namefags?


best staff member?


saving this from page 40

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