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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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whilst you're making the site gemmy again you should do these two things:
auto sage threads over 3 days old
make the page limit 20


>auto sage threads over 3 days old
How would that fix anything though. Also doubt the jannies would willingly do that.
>make the page limit 20
Maybe once the threat of botniggers disappear it'll be considered. Svvts call though.


some people are just annoyed that they have to see the same thread over and over necrobumped by some nigger
personally i don't think it's a huge issue


negrobumping is shemmy culture or something. But yeah, if it becomes a really big issue and people actually request for it to end we'll do something about it.


>auto sage threads over 3 days old
considering adding this to the fork
>make the page limit 20
right now it's 60 but i want it to be ideally 40



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