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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1721367708475.jpg (730.61 KB, 2152x1080, Picsart_24-05-11_18-42-13-….jpg)


Add this ban er pls pls oh pls


File: 1721376447985.png (198.55 KB, 512x512, 1708603977956.png)

>feralteen banner


My dreams have been crushed and shattered under the fascistic boot of a shemmy mamanger, my hopes and dreams sent to hell to decay forever more, i have been reduced to a depressed shell of emotional stagnation, you have sent me to suffer eternally, why? Oh why have i been given this fate of eternal suffering? All for a "feralteen banner", i cry in vain and in a drowning solace of depression, may my only way out be the cold realization of death…


Naw bruh dont do this


I don't think namefags deserve their own banners.


I made this banner when people still liked feral, like 4 months ago, i just never posted it because i forgor to


If i edit out the feral nametag vwill you add der banner?


it's still iron


fuck no lmao


My dreams have been crushed and shattered under the fascistic boot of a shemmy mamanger, my hopes and dreams sent to hell to decay forever more, i have been reduced to a depressed shell of emotional stagnation, you have sent me to suffer eternally, why? Oh why have i been given this fate of eternal suffering? All for a "feralteen banner", i cry in vain and in a drowning solace of depression, may my only way out be the cold realization of death…


Your tears nourishes and makes me feel elated


your misery sustains me


add banner suggestion thread already or are you refusing because you find me begging for days entertaining :D




You are pure evil and depression manifested into a person.


File: 1721379400310.png (2.24 KB, 105x78, ClipboardImage.png)

Even doe I'm not the other guys


Your still evil


File: 1721406157857.jpg (23.23 KB, 452x363, computer smug soy soyak so….jpg)



Fuck you….


File: 1721415944985.gif (401.97 KB, 179x480, 1691616207846.gif)

I hope you have a good day


Yoyr very existance brings me pain and misery


File: 1721476070013.jpg (70.78 KB, 900x1200, 1720621283343545.jpg)

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get better soon


Why is this place so obsessed with Iceland?

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