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/z/ - Z

oh no the board is gone
Password (For file deletion.)

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this board is so wholesum :333


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za pobedu.

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I hope Pigkraine takes Kursk so Russia can nuke Kiev and Lvov


File: 1723203367102.webm (1.81 MB, 1280x720)

I hope CHADkraine takes Kursk and Russia nukes Kiev and Lvov, so the US/Britain/France can carpet-nuke Puccia in response, thus ending The Muscovy forever.


nothing ever happens

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I hate this. Bring back the bees.

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fucking coal doe jakshemmy.soy is stupid brimstone
sharty better

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пыня обосрался

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or whatever.
25 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1720266669422.png (861.18 KB, 1331x728)

found footage.




niggaaa finish this alreadyy


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i lack the motivation or something.


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but saar, think of the 'teens

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Никогда не теряй свою улыбку. Этому нас учил Великий Кузя Кузнечик


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интересно, я ранше не знаю что кузнечик – как по-русски "grasshopper" я только думал что крикнецов просто слуачайный


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Hello Trump, It's Putin. We need o
947 trillion rockets to bomb Kharkiv children. Slava Rossia.

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