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/z/ - Z

oh no the board is gone
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1724674594814-0.png (266.57 KB, 1279x988, VADIMERALD.png)

File: 1724674594814-1.png (284.82 KB, 541x800, VADIMERALD3.png)

File: 1724674594814-2.png (80.86 KB, 1142x750, vadimerald2.png)







File: 1724745623673.jpg (4.64 KB, 249x217, scared pepe.jpg)

i thought cp and pedophiles are banned on this site?


Dude…I made those 'jaks? The OP of that one thread was a closeted tranny and people likened him to Sobot because of this and started shipping him to Vadim because it's just like muh kuz x sobot love story, which is why I chose these 'jaks to edit out. There is nothing pedophilic about them since, well, this isn't exactly 'lita, it's more of a Sobot 'jak. So if a Sobot 'jak was posted, would you consider it as 'p?

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