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/z/ - Z

oh no the board is gone
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kuzjak thread.
26 posts and 65 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It seems like you’ve shared a very brief message, possibly as a placeholder or an initial thought. If you’re looking to express something specific, such as a test or an experiment you are conducting, it would be great to expand on that idea!

For instance, you might want to explain what you are testing, what aspects you are exploring, or the context in which this test is being conducted. Sharing more details can greatly enhance the understanding and engagement with your post.

Feel free to elaborate on your thoughts, and I would be happy to help you craft a positive and respectful message that captures what you aim to convey!


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Here's some I have that you missed


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nigga STRAIGHT from ohio 😭😭

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oo kurwa.


Disgusting. Post more interesting videos for me next time.


ебать это что за покемон


Pokemons aren't mutant abominations.


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>Disgusting. Post more interesting videos for me next time.

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gem that reminds me of this

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17 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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/z/ fucking won.

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18 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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we won.
<Flood detected; Post discarded.


do you have the other one i forgot to save them


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>/z/ second most active board now.


/z/ won.


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i won.

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going to a market tomorrow, hope i find some hidden gems there.
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it looks cool and i got it for cheap so who cares, i dont have the money for authenticity.


coperald, what are they for, a fucking cosplay?


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>>>184 (You)
>coperald, what are they for, a fucking cosplay?


You know im right doe, so dont take it personally. Prove you're high t and confront the old man.


im not there anymore.

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Kolymafag, you've been watching too much bald and bankrupt.


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i dont watch it doe.

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