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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
Password (For file deletion.)

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they suddenly deployed the demoralizationfags that are weak at fighting antizelligCHADS


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erm no just no

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the character i'm avatarfagging as is over the age of 18, which zelligpedos can't fuck a character over 18 years old

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joelcord vs zelligcord who wins


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grim reaper knocked on ongezellig's door
it's nuadmin and his 'cord buddies
and they killed the shitty meme
now gem quality increased on the sharty and the shemmy by 100%

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>this sharty/qa/ killing negrobumpduster has a board


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Der jannies knew that we were too powerful for the site so xey had to make a board to contain us

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i went to mymy's house
i told her a bunch of her fans were pedos and unfunny niggers
she became a fnf fan btw to piss you troons off


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op went to mymy's house and she called xer a retarded nigger baby I saw it all

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hey quote, bot this shitty board it's full of zartycoal

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shit, the "cringelord" avatarfaggot is right, zelligpedos are the most insufferable beings on the shemmy and the sharty that, even studio massa deserves to be doxxed


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I just found OP geeeeeg what is thiiiis

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the age of consent is 18 zelligjews

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frootcordcacas kicked zelligcucks out of 106 of their boards because they lust over schoolgirls

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