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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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studio massa and dr disrespect is connected because they are both pedotroons
studio massa disrespects the animation industry

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zelligpedos go to hell because they are illerate troons who can't even read a single sentence of the bible

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i took a giant shit
i played pedozellig to see when the shit came to life
it did and it pressed spacebar to pause pedozellig

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zellig is like cia's leaked mkultra 2.0 to turn normalfags to pedos who are not 100 wholesome big chungus skibidi toilet faggot zoophile necrophiles

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brainwashed by studio pedossa's proto-mkultra to distance themselves from the sharty
acts like a actual zombie
posts coal over and over

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you killed the man: jeffrey epstein
but not the idea: stupedo peassa

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spadeson: slut for big black cock
spadeson when he looks at pedogezellig: slut for big cognitohazards

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mymy actor appearance: normal girl
in reality: proto-caseoh that can release a earthquake whenever he braps

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scp 096 looked at jewgzellig
it smelled like sulfur, that scp 096 hit himself due to how dust pedozellig is

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i went to reddit to post ongezellig to test to see if they hate ongezellig
reditor users: white and funny big chungus wholesome 100%
they went unwholesome small chungus, ultra shaggy beat up mymy and changed the meme into a big chungus meme with uganda knuckles system of replacing super bad memes with funny ones


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Your posts are starting to make me laugh

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