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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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here's a essay you can't even debunk, or read because zelligpedos are illerate jews that dreams about fucking schoolgirls all day
your soulless, forced dutch show you 100% fucking goon to isn't sharty culture. No matter how much you whine in your little echo chamber. I don't care if it was on /qa/, just because it was on /qa/ doesn't automatically make it a fucking gem. It just means it's old. Get off your high horse ffs. The only admin that liked your shitty slop was a pedophile faggot authoritarian larping retard. Soy quote me, call me a "seething anti-zelligger" all you fucking want. You know I'm right. You all know. You just won't budge because of the le kawaii desu girls that came from a failed dutch pilot from a creator who hates your english speaking scum.
"Zaryans" don't exist, for they are just amateur shitposting 4cuck immigrants who like to spread their garbage wherever they go (as evidence by the Zarty's dead-ness, it's really hard to contain them). It was always forced since day one, I kind of forgot but some guy from /co/ decided to fuck up /qa/ a bit by sharing ongeshartlig (this starting this whole infestation in the first place).
You will never be a natural gem, you paste 'jaks on your ongezellig crap all day long in order to get approval from 'teens, but they say you're still forced garbage.
Every thread you come across that makes fun or criticizes your pwecious iddy biddy widdle dutch "show", you instantly sperg out and spam Mymy middle fingers everywhere and chud and mymy fanfiction slop in order to make yourself feel superior. You lash out and attack like a wild boar because criticism is le good (but only for your enemy).
You are one sided, flat and forgettable (just like the ongeniggerlig characters you oh so much adore). You blindly follow the beat of the drum of the zellig community, hoping just once that something meaningful can happen
But no, nothing happens. You're left in the infinitely painful loop filled to the brim with coping, being angry at the zoyim, and being in your neverending echo chamber that drives everyone mad.
Root likes Ongezellig, however Root was another shitty admin the site had, does ongecucklig have some sort of curse? When you like it, are you automatically a shitskin nigger pedo cuck? No, but you appear to be since you parrot the opinions of tons of retarded autists who can't do anything but repost about the same shitty short film over and over again.
On the topic of repetition, let's go there. You spam these same three-four characters from this slop you definitely goon to from dawn to dusk, like a neverending black hole of degeneracy and le kawaii slice of life comedy bullcrap. It's all soulless trash, and unless you want to annoy everybody around you, ABANDON 'ZELLIG.
Yes, I said it. Abandon 'zellig. Move on to greener, greater pastures. There's tons of series out there in which have tons upon tons more content to obsess over (because let's be honest, 'zellig at this point is beating a fossilized horse). Plus, in the points stated earlier, 'zellig is an infinitely depressing echo chamber fuelled by fanmade stuff (that's mostly ai slop) that keeps the "zaryans" from collapsing on into themselves (other than unnecessary spam and necrobumping). Along with that, its just so tiresome. Here's a pro tip: anything that's Sharty culture doesn't have to constantly reassure itself to be sharty culture. Ongezellig is forced in a way that drives people insane, imagine constantly seeing Mymy, Maya and Coco over and over again with the same people saying that you MUST like it and we MUST coexist because it's le CULTURE. I'm surprised nobody has been put into an insane asylum due to seeing the same three stupid girls who's fans want to marry and fuck them because ongezellig is their own personal waifu spawner.
Ongezellig will never be sharty culture. It'll never be /qa/ culture to a fair extent. Either way, it'll just be spammed to death until da heckin anti-zelligeeeeeeeeers buzz off and not criticize whom is selfish and petty. It's all just sad at this point.
Imagine, obsessing over the same 20 minutes of content (along with a few extra comics) with the three same flat characters. Only new stuff is fanmade (most of which is ai-slop as stated earlier) and nobody is allowed to criticize your shardee kulchar (for if they do, you angrily spam and autistically screech at them in text form using various pro-zellig images like ship art or meanie zellig characters doing bad things, along with saging the wrongthink threads). Your brain must be made out of cardboard, clear tape and prayers if you have the mental capacity to constantly spam the same screencaps from a 20 minute short film you probably autistically watched through 30000+ fucking times, and show fanart because God forbid you run out of spam material.
In conclusion, none of this matters in the end, for no matter how many truth nukes are dropped, 'zelliggers will never stop spamming, screeching and gooning.
So I end this with a final note,
Ongezellig is forced to death
and death is forced onto Ongezellig


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wordswordswords seetherald

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