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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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File: 1723711369740.png (317.75 KB, 612x459, ClipboardImageeddedededede.png)




naz coal


i just posted this to see if it would fix anything for that one mymyposter complaining on /soy/


Im not on my computer yet


you're not fooling anybody sameCHAD


File: 1723712587569.png (108.94 KB, 912x417, ClipboardImage.png)


fix the namefield it shouldnt be sean on this board


im not leno or mutt i cant do that



i could kill you with my mind if i wanted


whatever its obviously you but thank you for being the gem that saved the shemmy after daily raids died in april


File: 1723712714536.png (62.27 KB, 255x239, churrogods rise up high.PNG)

>>>819 (You)
>i could kill you with my mind if i wanted


hes not actually me you need meds ur confused


okay he is me im lying, or am i


File: 1723712856791.png (123.44 KB, 1197x2709, 'aya on 'he 'ope.PNG)

->"▶Sean 1 minute ago No.824 >>822 hes not actually me you need meds ur confused ▶Sean Just now No.826 okay he is me im lying, or am i"


File: 1723712921276.png (399.34 KB, 915x756, 1723712768358.png)

seething because you dont know who is who


File: 1723713030591.png (145.51 KB, 378x267, ecrtv.PNG)

>>827 (You)
>seething because you dont know who is who


Hahahahahahaha Funny Post Anon! This Made Me Laugh. Thank You Anon For Making My Day Better.


File: 1723713141678.png (363.85 KB, 575x509, 1723634806577.png)

>The botnet spammer is currently using known proxies and therefore they have temporarily been blocked.


File: 1723713280962.png (653.72 KB, 990x867, coal.png)

how are you posting retard


when i use my vpn on my phone it works because its a different ip but i cant get that specific ip on my computer i dont know why, they used to both work but now my pc ones flagged




yeah and both are connected to the same shit


File: 1723713811040.png (42.95 KB, 855x762, sponge.png)

KEEEEEEEK get good


File: 1723713888162.png (399.34 KB, 915x756, 1723712768358.png)

to be fair im sharing someone elses account so its free, it used to always work on the shoally screw you nigger


File: 1723714361149.jpg (196.72 KB, 1536x1688, met1.jpg)

ur posting here faggot have some respect


i have a new idea ill setup my own vpn and then ill be free


after i eat of course i just got chinese food



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