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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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File: 1724037145842.png (79.9 KB, 403x484, Mymy_VOC.png)


watched 'zellig once and became a Dutch nationalist award


obsessed with belgianGODS award


fake country award


>everything real is fake and everything fake like my bwc is real


Belgium could've just be part of France and the Netherlands it's voluntarily a different country just because I saw this in a dream btw


obsessed esl fail


I'm English first language


nobody on the shemmy is an esl also fnf are gooder than ongezellig


File: 1724038016484.webm (507.42 KB, 1156x1080, fnf pedo nigger.webm)

>>>1879 (You)
>nobody on the shemmy is an esl also fnf are gooder than ongezellig


File: 1724038113686.png (450.15 KB, 851x1100, jeffrey dahmer its over 2.png)


are you dutch



why are you nationalist for a foreign country

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