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/pol/ - Politicoal

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File: 1732724364972.jpg (55.74 KB, 697x459, 4dd67432a8025d3fd8ef793c7b….jpg)




just use the sharty


shittier than this place somehow

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i decided to submit to serbia and i am letting a serbian aryan bull fuck my white girlfriend
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i meant to say done




sude.party is coming out any day now, two more weeks!


^real piratenigger do interact


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i won anonymous against foodism won foodists lost saarbians lost
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prove that you are actually Gdańsk


saarbia is the non whitest country in the world


you are a faggot and a homosexual


im white, my impersonators arent


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nobody impersonates you bro bc nobody cares that much

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>armeniggers lost too if that matters

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anonymous against foodism won

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>belgrade is anti white ACK ACK ACK IM A DYING TRANNY


There are no dying trannies in that illustration retarded brown mutt, that's 2 trannies pointing at a noose


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belgrade is anti white ACK ACK ACK IM A DYING TRANNY

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>nuke belgrade
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Nuking belgrade for being full of anti white mutts is aryan, piratecuck.


go back to shitaly and dilate with your discord sisters there


you sound like a seething tranny from Gdańsk Gdańsk lost btw and putin won aahahahahha


why are you so obsessed with actual white people


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nuke belgrade

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>if i was the swarthiest sun kissed shitskin on the planet i would still be a gorillion times whiter than the average serbitch. nuke serbia
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wat a fail


why are lviiv cucks so brown and anti white holy shit


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thats aryan chinnycuck


you are very clearly not lv8v

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anonymous against foodism won



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serbia hate thread

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