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/pol/ - Politicoal

Password (For file deletion.)

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piratecuck hates white people and he called them crackers

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Why do serbs hate white people just for having whiter skin than them

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Why is serbia so brown and shitskinned and anti white

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Drop a nuke on belgrade for Serbia's anti white atrocities

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Why is bidenflare back on
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Liar liar pants on fire


dont lie serbtranny you used to fill the board with child porn i was there


and white people don’t season their food.


notice how hes not denying it


based kill chinnycvcks

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make the default name Lv1v
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I was supposed to work on name field word filtering a while back so thank you for motivating me to do it today. I also revamped the existing word filtering functionality but I'm lost as to what I should filter.


kys lv iv sympathizer kike


bro needs to be reminded by chinnycucks to fix their broken website 💀


kek, its leakin g


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Actually, I just did it because it's funny, and also because I didn't want you to turn the site into a disgusting behemoth with your little Discord inside jokes. Also, thanks for informing me that this was a positive change to the site.

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Do you think if we spammed enough race bait on the shittys /pol/ another portucaca will come around they have siege threads over there but they are massive spergs


portucaca wanted to shoot up mosques because he didn't have a dad and he found brenton tarrant little dark age edits as a kid and considered him a father figure not because of bait

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He ukroaryans are brown dalits and hate white devils

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Why do serbians hate people just for having white skin?

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Serbia is a brown anti-white shithole and deserves to be nuked

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