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/pol/ - Politicoal

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File: 1732495748208.png (53.01 KB, 886x872, 72347 - SoyBooru.png)


Transphobes will be killed


mexico lost get over it


ywnb the real lviv


serbia isnt white



File: 1732495676512.gif (2.64 MB, 240x240, e934dcab5d43e4607ffaf9aa81….gif)


>Captain Sude botted the Chinny and then forced us to migrate here to save the Shemmy's pph.


File: 1732495818391.jpg (29.37 KB, 128x128, berngem3.jpg)

>Cambodian ip

File: 1732495498906.gif (4.82 MB, 498x498, pepe smoke kek.gif)


serbia, turkey, ukraine, and ireland are all brown btw
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1732495604445.png (102.8 KB, 1108x1832, dtm4py.png)


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janny, kill yourself. i hope your whole family dies in the most painful way possible.




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rational is when i dont get a girlfriend, dont get a job and spend 24/7 obsessing over DA JOOOOOOOOOZ on /pol/ while secretly jacking off to bbc porn


can someone explain this to me like i'm a 5 year old


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dead site

File: 1732495081579.jpeg (8.53 KB, 228x221, images.jpeg)


>no forced flags
wake up your tranny dev and let him fix thjs
15 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


anyways I need to go to the store for some diapers


Do you know logan cooper by chance


File: 1732495695287.gif (818.14 KB, 322x322, sisamelt.gif)

holy shit


yes mommy


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how dare you?
why are shemmycucks so retarded that they cant even take in new posters right?


shemmyfags are leftist retards they hate politics on imageboards because they're full of le nazis (nkrmal rational people)


File: 1732495413053.jpeg (271.85 KB, 636x630, IMG_6103.jpeg)

>how dare you?
>why are shemmycucks so retarded that they cant even take in new posters right?


>rational is when i dont get a girlfriend, dont get a job and spend 24/7 obsessing over DA JOOOOOOOOOZ on /pol/ while secretly jacking off to bbc porn

File: 1732495212575.jpeg (47.68 KB, 343x440, berngem4.jpeg)



File: 1732495194380.jpeg (368.19 KB, 654x874, IMG_5283.jpeg)


Trans women wom

File: 1732495151238.jpg (39.16 KB, 770x600, pepe smoking that pipe.jpg)


why is every /pol/pedo obsessed with trans women

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doll won


last 3 posts were generic and boring therefore this is the true No.1


wtf i cant believe this is really the 1 get


this is true. i dream about having sweaty passionate sex with doll every night. mmnf

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