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/pol/ - Politicoal

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>100 pph


chinny had more



Don't care, still voting Trump


File: 1732658683307.mp4 (3.63 MB, 560x480, 1732658690719.mp4)

>/soy/ 33 pph


thats aryan shemmycuck

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i miss the chinny
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Edging is good for you, goy…


that's dravidian chinnycuck


she's just larping


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dnb of a site thats why im going to a better more alive aryan of a site like the churro



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Currently, there is stuff irl that postpones my work, sorry. cockroaches included.

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I might get free time now.

Also, my hair knot took me two hours sitting there… haad to cut it. Getting Hair knot really sucks

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I might go to sleep knowing it lives to see tomorrow.

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21 year old incel.

ATM running this site, message me if interested.

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Muddskippers. Do you like them? Would you like to have sex with it? I think there is obvious contempt people openly express. When I look at jews writing in bios, I am like this is kind of bullying. Maybe, bullying is also open human nature anywhere too. I feel shitty, not desired. Unwanted. I should probably step up and think outside of something that is improbable. My life is very miserable. I remember seeing people who are miserable. I wonder if I could somehow… No, I'd rather not be nail in their grave. Writing this feels like stomach ache. Stomach pain. IT's just so immesurable. Why does stomach pain hurt so much? I feel like I'll just be getting older and die. Dying fart. Oh, that feels painful too. Knowing the consequence. The pain. Dying isn't worst when it's pain. Dying is worse when it feels like being broken, like when you think evil and good. When you feel that you dying is evil, and that what brings me hurt. True hurt. If I die, then it will die. IT will feel like to lose. Like evil winning, though.

I don't know. I wanted to just share things with you. I don't know that much though, my life has been pretty silent. Feeling of silence. It's sad.
I never experienced friendship or such. More, I don't know much about enjoyment. Everyone seems to feel great and warm deep inside them. It seems I am the only one who feels not just that I am not enjoying, though that I cannot enjoy. Like I am banned from it. I felt that for long times. That denial. That denial of someonew who is always picked the last in basketball team. I was just loser? No, maybe I can't feel. Maybe, I can't do things the same as proud of heart. Empty, silence and losing is so fucking bad.

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I can't get hard unless I beat a foid in the ass until she cries
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thats aryan shemmycuck


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beating women is sinister

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the repairing has been going fine but I am daily working on fixing issues and soon I will implement captcha. So just wait. However, it might have been slowed down slight.y

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