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/pol/ - Politicoal

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File: 1732654738871.jpg (113.51 KB, 852x838, 1732654707184.jpg)


this site sucks but this board mogs /soy/ so fucking hard


File: 1732654834342.jpeg (59.2 KB, 680x944, gigareddit1.jpeg)

so it's just exactly like the sharty where /pol/ mogged every other board?


kek its kino


bring back the chinny this entire website is trash


this board is gonna end up like the other pol board from the frootcord leaks era doe (mogged by the churro so hard they deleted it)



File: 1732654381256.jpeg (150.21 KB, 680x510, 1732654395973.jpeg)


dead site


anti-white thread


i am trans


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I’m getting my bottom surgery tomorrow wish me luck sisters!


forgot my sage and my country rizz teehee #girlsmakemistakes #trans

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>more pph than /soy/


File: 1732653941770.png (48.06 KB, 855x762, mymy fact sign neutral bea….png)


dead site

File: 1732652685161.webp (27.95 KB, 849x566, 1732652695671.webp)


this site sucks…





File: 1732652582378.gif (2.28 MB, 640x400, 1732652587821.gif)


flying nigger baby on the catalog

File: 1732652526340.jpg (99.92 KB, 662x762, 1732652544239.jpg)


board so dead im creating new pages

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what a bleached nigger baby of a board

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tbh only good board in this gay ass dead nigger baby rape victim of a site

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deader than the chinny

File: 1732652371273.png (845.24 KB, 808x936, 1732652386104.png)


shut it down ffs

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