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/pol/ - Politicoal

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thoughts on my house? :3


Are hood niggas like me welcome


obsessed with serbaryans

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or should i just fucking buy the churros? Its' not that hard to make, I fucked up because it was a fluke.

I swear churro would be better off replaced by something that isn't so sweet. For fucking sake, I want to just call the website "STEAK".

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>Today I woke up at night and saw another cockroach =_=


>What the hell?!!!! I am sorry but just when I thought things calmed down of course they are BACK FOR BLOOD. These protostome insect bugs NEED TO LEARN THEY ARE INFERIOR.

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I imagine having relationship with her everyday. I look at her pictures. I have really fallen in pit. I am like in love right now. I would do literally anything anything that would be necessary absolutely for her interest.

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Today I woke up at night and saw another cockroach =_=


What the hell?!!!! I am sorry but just when I thought things calmed down of course they are BACK FOR BLOOD. These protostome insect bugs NEED TO LEARN THEY ARE INFERIOR.

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I feel tired today and for some reason the heating doesn't work either, all after that drowning

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serbia. will. Never. be. white.


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we lv ivans hate white people because our tbps are 0.05 inch


bomb belgrade

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Guys, it hit me today in a random thought, the signifance of your life. When we are kids, we are ought to learn things but adults don't learn. Learning is the joy of life, making mistakes with it and misfortune that runs your path. Kids enjoy adventure of learning, battling against great dragons and flying into the stars to rule galaxies. As adults, it's our job to make worlds that kids can explore and learn from, right?!! That is what I just thought of from reading Yotsuba&~ ain't that thing?
But I hope kids won't make retarded adults, as arrogant as me or us, I wish they'd grow up smarter, aye…

We adults learn things too fast we fail to appreciate that we learnt, I suppose.

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>forgot my sage and my country rizz teehee #girlsmakemistakes #trans

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itt we praise the best site ever that absolutely mogs the shoally and the chilly


swinny fucking won


she's right


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>swinny fucking won


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>>swinny fucking won

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