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/pol/ - Politicoal

Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1732596227314.png (22.14 KB, 437x343, jumping jacks for x.png)


bomb belgrade


no meme arrow


dead site

File: 1732495640007.png (86.35 KB, 241x255, erica7.png)


Captain Sude botted the Chinny and then forced us to migrate here to save the Shemmy's pph.
6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


kill yourself coomer


that's aryan shemmycuck


wtf flags actually work


bbc only


File: 1732593846160.png (55.08 KB, 144x202, sude54.png)

None of you incels are getting into Sude.party

File: 1732584545659.png (382.29 KB, 567x800, ClipboardImage.png)


In retrospect, he would have ruled Germany 10x as better as shitler the clitler.

File: 1732542655927.png (255.46 KB, 545x530, 129 - glasses pepe.png)


What a dead nigger of a board.



File: 1732517060155.png (65.49 KB, 185x255, erica1.png)


Any Chinnygod has that image of Drumpf taking BBC?


File: 1732535903953.png (1.28 MB, 796x1024, a5583916a10fea5d480398c559….png)


File: 1732535939575.jpg (115.82 KB, 796x1024, trump bbc suck.jpg)


File: 1732540514775.png (1.7 MB, 850x1024, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1732503099935.png (549.05 KB, 1322x865, sude33.png)



File: 1732496441517.mp4 (763.56 KB, 720x860, ssstwitter.com_17313396179….mp4)


Can woot bring churro back I don't wanna post here


churro would get botspammed 24/7 by cp and have no flags




I don't give a dam fuck shemalies


this i fucking hate this site


Can someone dm woot on xitter I hate it here

File: 1732496644203.png (35.51 KB, 128x128, ClipboardImage.png)


>The hourly thread limit has been reached. Please post in an existing thread.



File: 1732496062821.png (1.02 MB, 1800x2000, 1729637261105h.png)




File: 1732496108705.jpg (29.37 KB, 128x128, berngem3.jpg)

>polish ip


Sinister trans girls won

File: 1732495980239.jpg (66.25 KB, 1200x614, 207 - fact multiple pepe.jpg)


What a dead nigger of a board. Fuck this shithole, I'm going back to >>>/soy/


turkey is brown btw


File: 1732496040338.png (94.44 KB, 1092x1911, 88469 - SoyBooru.png)


obsessed with mi


go to sleep


I'm not gonna miss seeing this dead nigger have more than 20pph

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