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/pol/ - Politicoal

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File: 1732495290503.png (210.66 KB, 982x1126, 1732495263503.png)


how dare you?
why are shemmycucks so retarded that they cant even take in new posters right?


shemmyfags are leftist retards they hate politics on imageboards because they're full of le nazis (nkrmal rational people)


File: 1732495413053.jpeg (271.85 KB, 636x630, IMG_6103.jpeg)

>how dare you?
>why are shemmycucks so retarded that they cant even take in new posters right?


>rational is when i dont get a girlfriend, dont get a job and spend 24/7 obsessing over DA JOOOOOOOOOZ on /pol/ while secretly jacking off to bbc porn

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